A November Update

Welcome to November!

Or, as I like to call it, the month of doing …. things!

There are two things that I am taking a part in this November, and I will be using this blog to keep you, my loving readers, up to date on the progress.

The first, is that it is National Novel Writing Month (or, NaNoWriMo), in which aspiring and professional writers are encouraged to write a novel during the month of November. There are a few rules, but, I have decided to do my own thing in the spirit of NaNoWriMo.

I have decided to pick “The Black” back up and start writing it again.

Now, there is no way that the story will be able to be finished, as it is turning into a long story. But, I hope to be able to put a significant dent into the writing.

As of today, I have finished 13 chapters and it is amazing how many things keep popping up to write about. My goal is to write a little each day and for one full day on the weekend (at least). We’ll see how I am able to stick to that schedule.

The other thing happening this month is that it is the month of Movember, which is where men grow mustaches of all shapes and sizes, to raise money for Men’s health awareness (specifically prostate and mental health issues).

At work, all of the male employees have decided to band together and grow mustaches and raise money.

Once the month is done, I will post a before and after picture, so you can fully appreciate the mustache 🙂

If you would like to donate to me or my team, you can click the link here.

See you all soon for another update!

The Mustachioed Manly

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