Blast from the Past 2 – The Island Mystery Deepens, Literally

I know, I know, I know.

So much for posting these “Views from a Veteran” posts twice a week. That plan didn’t nearly come together as well as it should have. We should be knee-deep into season 3 already, but that fell by the wayside because of work, some semblance of a social life and so many movies. The newest Transformers was 30-40 minutes of awesome at the end, when the Dinobots sprung into action, with 2 hours of “eh.” Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was damn good, Jersey Boys had its moments and The Neighbours was much funnier than I anticipated.

I’m also in the midst of developing a few interesting projects, as well as another month of continuing to write “The Black,” but until then, here is the latest entry in my Blast from the Past saga.

Here we go!


LOST – Views from a Veteran – Season One: Episodes 13-24

“Everyone gets a new life on this island”– Locke in “… In Translation”

That was quite a season, wasn’t it?

Even after all these years, it is surprising just how much I still enjoy watching this show despite knowing where all the characters go on their respective journeys. While I know who lives and who dies in the show, as well as the revelations before they are revealed, and the mysteries that are still left to be discussed – it is still fun to watch.

So, let’s talk about the “tail-end” of season one … get it?

If you’ve seen season two, believe me, you’ll laugh or at least groan at that.

In the last part of this season, there were a lot more references to the ongoing mysteries on the island. For example, in the episode “Hearts and Minds,” which many consider to be one of the worst (and disturbing) episodes of the show, one key mystery was brought up in passing – Electromagnetism. In the episode, Sayid discovers that his compass does not point directly North, which is the first mention of the phenomenon that plays a major role in season two, as well as in Farraday’s time-line altering explosion at the end of season five.

Also in that episode, Boone has a ‘vision’ and sees Shannon dead from an attack by the monster. I could be wrong, but I believe her body was lying near or by the same creek that both MiB and Jack wash up in after being exposed to the central light of the island at the end of the show. This was probably not intentional, but actually helps in cementing that place as a nexus of life, death and rebirth.

The following episode, “Special,” was our first glimpse of how unique Walt truly is. The answer of what his powers were and how he can do them still has yet to be fully explained in any big way, but I hope the epilogue provided on the complete series set that comes out at the end of the summer, it will be. (**UPDATE: Not really. Watch it now:

My best guess for Walt’s powers are that they are all psychic in nature, and that he possesses the ability to astral project and perhaps see glimpses into the future. However, that will probably still remain one of the biggest unanswered mysteries in the show.

Another element that popped up this season was the mysterious hatch that rapidly became the focus for Locke and Boone, as well as a major plot point for the next season and beyond. It also began the introduction of one of my favourite characters – Desmond, even though he wasn’t introduced until the season two premiere.

In “Exodus Part 1,” we learned more about Rousseau’s team and what exactly happened to them. She mentioned that a member of her team, Montand, lost his arm – and in fact, in season five, we see that happen during a struggle with the smoke monster. She also said that it occurred when the sickness started, which was most likely her explanation for MiB possessing the bodies of the deceased. Cool, eh?

Also, Rousseau gave us the first reference to the smoke monster being the “security system” for the island. While at first glance it does not seem to make sense with the revelation that it was the MiB who was the smoke monster, it could be viewed that he was doing what was best for the island at the time, all the while furthering his own endgame of getting off the island.

Some questions that were still left hanging in the second half of season one (other than those already previously mentioned) were:  Was the dream Locke had with the biplane created by the MiB? Why? Who sent Kate the letter telling her about her mother’s cancer? What was with the bird that said Hurley’s name? Why did Locke appear frightened of the monster, and then tell Jack that it was ok?

Lastly, no season one analysis could be complete without a reference to good ol’ Tom (aka Mr. Friendly), who kidnapped Walt off of the raft for purposes that are still unknown. And, the season ended just like it began, with Michael yelling “WAAALLLLTT!!!!!!”

Finally, the season one round-up of all the various “Lost-isms” I have been counting.

There have now been a total of seven fights!

Jack & Ethan and Sawyer & Sayid have the top spot with two fights each, followed by a tie for second with one a piece for Sawyer & Jack, Michael & Boone and Charlie & Sayid.

And Sawyer has now said “Sonofabitch” a total of SEVEN times in all of season one.

Finally, the one everyone wants to know – what are the top Sawyer-isms for season one?

We have a new winner! “Doc” wins with 11 mentions, followed by “Freckles” with eight. “Chief” comes in third with four, and tied for fourth with three mentions each are “Sweet cheeks,” “Hero,” and “Mohammed.”

And then, tied for fifth with only one use by Sawyer are: “Sweetheart,” “Lardo,” “Abdul,” “Aljazeera,” “Metro,” “Porkpie,” “Sticks,” “Mr. Miyagi,” “Omar,” “Captain Falafel,” “Jacko,” “Saint Jack,” “Sport,” “Amigo,” “Boss,” “Chico,” “Ali,” “Dr. Quinn,” “Stay-Puff,” “Tattoo,” “Dr. Do-Right,” “Croc Hunter,” “Missy Claire,” “Hoss,” “Jungle Boy,” “Sassafras,” “Bruce,” “Betty,” “Short-round,” “Mammacita,” “Kato,” “Chucky,” “Baby Huey,” “Sulu,” “Mickey,” “Pudding,” “Kazoo,” “Han,” and lastly, “Chewie.”

See you soon for the first half of season two!

“Don’t choose, Jack. Don’t decide. You don’t want to be a hero, you don’t want to try and save everyone. Because when you fail, you just don’t have what it takes.” – Christian Sheppard” – Christian Sheppard in “White Rabbit”

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