Blast from the Past 7 – Finding your constant

Desmond is not the only one that needs a constant, but Faraday it is revealed, needs one too, in "The Constant." Source.

Desmond is not the only one that needs a constant, but Faraday it is revealed, needs one too, in “The Constant.” Source.


LOST – Views from a Veteran – Season Four

“You’ll understand soon that there are consequences for being chosen. Because destiny, John, is a fickle bitch.” – Ben in “Cabin Fever”

Ahhhhh, that’s the stuff, ain’t it? Lost has begun its rise from the ashes of the past season. As you know from my past reviews on season three, it was not all bad. But, this season showed a huge leap in quality.

But first, I am sure you have noticed that this post is covering the entirety of season four. Well, I decided to mash it all into one review, due to the very short length of this season. The producers were able to craft such a small and fast-paced season, because Lost finally had its end date. I believe that this fact allowed the creators to craft the story they wanted to tell a lot more easily.

This season was a season of rebirth, in many ways. Not only did we get a brand-new style of telling the story (the flash-forward), but also renewed hope and attitudes from the survivors on the island, as rescue looms. There were also brand-new characters introduced from the freighter that (with the exception of Charlotte) became a vital part of the last two seasons: Daniel, Miles, Charlotte and Frank.

This was a very interesting season in many ways, as you got a look at how six survivors were adapting to life without the island, and becoming almost warped versions of themselves. Jack, the leader, has become an alcoholic with no direction; Hurley has gone from a happy-go-lucky guy, to a depressed man in an insane asylum; Kate has moved from embracing who she was, to hiding it once again; and Sayid has turned from a man of honour to an assassin working for Benjamin Linus. But, knowing what we know about their respective arcs within the show, you can see why the producers needed to bring these characters on their respective journeys.

Season four also amped up the science-fiction aspect of the show with the game changing episode “The Constant,” which is my favourite episode of the entire run of the show.

The episode focus on Desmond’s consciousness becoming “un-stuck” from time, and needing to find a some sort of anchor for his mind to hold on to – his true love, Penny. People may say that the Jack and Kate arc is the central love story of the show, but I respectfully disagree. Penny and Desmond are the true heart of the show, and if you did not get the tiniest bit emotional when Desmond and Penny talk over the phone at the end of “The Constant,” you’re dead inside.

With the addition of time-travel into the show’s expanding mythology, the mysteries began piling up. But there is one that I specifically want to address that is seen throughout the season.

In the episode “The Other Woman,” Juliet runs into her former therapist, Stanhope. Before she appears, you hear the whispers of the dead trapped on the island, so it would seem that she is one of them. But, she tells her to stop Daniel and Charlotte from turning on the gas at The Tempest station, and Jack can see her.

Now, if Juliet had killed Daniel and Charlotte, the gas would have killed everyone on the island, including the remaining candidates. Therefore, I believe she was a manifestation of the MiB. And that it wasn’t just her! The smoke monster had his smokey fingerprints all over this season by using Christian Sheppard (as well as Horace Goodspeed, and even Claire in Kate’s dream) to help kill or prevent the candidates from becoming the next Jacob.

There are plenty more mysteries in the season that have yet to be answered, such as why is there a line of ash surrounding Jacob’s cabin? Who was The Economist? How did the island prevent Michael from dying? How (and why) did Jack’s appendix get sick and require surgery? And much, much more.

This season also gave us some amazing character moments, most notably for Sawyer and Benjamin Linus.

Sawyer has gone from a no-nonsense rogue in season 1 to a much more take charge and protector in these past four seasons. To see his ultimate act of sacrifice, all you need to do is look at the scene in the helicopter during “There’s No Place Like Home – Part 2.” Sawyer, to give everyone else a chance to get back home, jumps out of the helicopter, and thanks to him, the “Oceanic Six” are able to return home. But, before he left, he told Kate something that could not be heard.

But, thanks to the wonders of DVD, I was able to determine that he, I believe, said “I have a daughter in Albuquerque, you need to find her. Tell her I’m sorry.” For the first time, we finally see Sawyer care more for someone than himself. You must admit, that’s huge.

And there’s Ben.

The man who you love to hate, and always has a plan finally got pushed too far and experienced something we had never seen – shock. When Keamy killed Alex, the look of genuine surprise, sadness and anger on his face was a sight to see. This finally permitted Ben to accept that he must move the island, even if it meant sacrificing everything he ever held dear. By turning the odd “frozen donkey wheel,” Ben showed that even the less than good characters can undergo a personal transformation. I must acknowledge the brilliant actor Michael Emerson for being able to convey all the emotions in those two scenes, Alex’s death and pushing the wheel, without saying a single word.

Finally, what you all have been looking forward to: The “Lost-isms” for season four!

There have now been a total of 26 fights, with for the first time, a new champion. With a total of three fights, Ben & Sawyer now take the lead, with Jack & Ethan, Sawyer & Sayid and Sawyer & Pickett tied for second two fights each.

Seems like Sawyer enjoys getting into fights, eh?

Along the note of violence, Ben has been beaten up five times, Sawyer has said “Sonofabitch” 21 times, and Desmond said “brother” a mind-boggling 38 times!

And lastly, as I end every review, I will now state the top “Sawyer-isms:

“Freckles” has now taken a commanding lead with Sawyer saying it 32 times, while “Doc” is slowly falling behind with 27. Still tied for third are “Boss” and “Hoss” with five references, and “Chief,” “Sweetheart” and “Chewie” tied for fourth with four mentions each.

“Every equation needs stability, something known. It’s called a constant. Desmond, you have no constant.” – Farraday in “The Constant”

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