Archives for : Hero

"Sir, it is time for you to write your book"

I was at work, and I saw that this movie will open up the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).

I had heard of it a while ago, but, like all the info we are exposed to everyday, it disappeared from thought.

So, with my intrigued rekindled, I watched the trailer.

It gave me CHILLS.

The man is my hero, and is a man of revolution. He changed the world, like few seldom have. He stood up to adversity, and faced critiques from all angles.

I have learned much about him from self-interest, my own research, and a course I took in university. He is one of the men I would have at my table, for that age-old question, ‘If you could have dinner with three people, living or dead, who would they be?’

I have absolutely no reservations in saying that THIS man, through his life and what he achieved, changed my life. My love and interest of science has grown and evolved since I was a child, and I firmly believe that I would not feel as strongly about it if it were not for this man.

The man is, of course, Charles Darwin.

The movie is entitled “Creation,” starring Paul Bettany as Charles, and Jennifer Connelly as his wife, Emma. It also stars Toby Jones as Thomas Huxley, Darwin’s most feared and vocal supporter, earning the nickname “Darwin’s bulldog.”

Please watch the trailer, and I hope that I will be able to see this movie one-day.

David the Hero, Karma the Saviour and Sara Palin

So, I got quite the response from my last blog post. Apparently, it even freaked a few people out!

Therefore, this an official statement. I AM NOT DEAD! MY HEAD DID NOT EXPLODE, I AM PERFECTLY OK. I thought you all should know 😉

The reason behind it was, I had a VERY bad and stress-filled Monday. So, on the walk home, I thought, “My head hurts because of all the stress. I wonder if my head could explode? Huh, there’s an idea for a blog post.” And that’s it.

The rest of this week has been pretty blah, except for a few interesting tidbits.

On Wednesday, I went to the library to do some photocopying and reading for an essay. While I was photocopying, this very pretty woman beside me was having trouble with a computer terminal. She turned to me and said, “Do you know anything about computers? I’m having a terrible time here.”

I crookedly smiled, and said, “I can fiddle.”

She then, she explained to me her problem downloading an attachment and printing it off. I spent a minute and found her document. She looked at me with this huge look of admiration and said, “Thank you SOOO much! You literally saved my life. I don’t know what I would have done.”

She then smiled, a very pretty smile, gave me a hug and whispered, “You’re my hero. I’m Ariel. Thank you.” And then she left.

Weird, huh?

The next interesting thing was today, when I went to the library to do some more photocopying. I had forgotten my photocopy card, so I was out of luck. And then, for some reason, a girl behind me offered me her photocopy card.

“Really? I cannot believe that you would give this to a total stranger. I’ll give it back as soon as I’m done,” I said. I then ran to do my copying, and came back where she was.

“Thank you once again,” I said.

“It’s good karma,” she said. “Just remember, pay it forward.” And then she winked and walked away.

Well what do you know, good people do exist! They’re just exceedingly RARE.

For those of you who do not know, Pay It Forward was a movie about a child, played by Haley Joel Osment, who got the idea to do something good for someone. There is no catch, just that you must “Pay the good deed forward” to 3 other people.

And lastly, I was watching the Daily Show with John Stewart, where he lovingly discussed the ever-entertaining Sarah Palin.
Apparently, certain facts about her were off-the-record until the election was over. For example:
– Sarah Palin was not aware of certain civic liberties in the U.S.
– She would have tantrums about her press-clippings
– And lastly, she had difficulty accepting the fact that Africa was a continent, and NOT A COUNTRY.

Ohhh, I hope she doesn’t disappear from the news, as she is very, very entertaining.

This upcoming weekend is going to be very, very stressful. I have a 3,000 word essay and it’s respective presentation due on Monday. The topic is very complicated and highly confusing to someone who doesn’t know anything about Political Science.

Wish me luck, wish me speed, wish me coherency and lastly, wish me good mental health. Cause if this keeps happening, my wall is going to have a very significant David’s-head-sized dent.