Archives for : Lab Spaces

My Absence Explained!

I am sorry I have been away these past few weeks, but I assure you, I have a very good reason!

The week before my Master’s of Journalism graduation, I got offered a few opportunities to keep me busy. And since then, I have gotten three different jobs with three quite different websites. That is why I have not been blogging, as I have been quite busy writing content for these various websites.

So, I decided that I will list them here (as well as under my recently published articles area), so that you all can keep tabs on my latest works without me updating my blog every day.

1) The first opportunity that came my way was through Twitter. I had been speaking to the owner and operator of a website for many months, and she came up with a brilliant idea – to have two people watch the TV show “Lost” from the very beginning, one that has seen the show before and one that has not. The website is called the Geek Girls Network, and I have become their very first male contributor 🙂

Now, in case you didn’t know, I have been a large fan of Lost since the beginning, so I was offered the role of the veteran in this little experiment – hence the name of the posts, “Lost for Veterans.”

The introduction to the posts can be found here, while the first post (covering the first half of season one), can be found here.

The posts will be updated every week or two, so check the website ( regularly.

2) The second job also came from Twitter, as a friend of mine re-tweeted that a website was looking for another writer to add daily content on a wide variety of nerdy topics (such as pop culture, movies, interesting stuff found on the internet, TV shows, video games, and much more). So, I applied, and after a few days of seeing what I could do, they hired me!

The website is called Nerdbastards, and you can check out the link below to look at my profile, and see all the latest articles I was written for the site. I write stuff every day, so please check back as often as you can, as there is something for everyone on the site.

Here’s the link: David Manly’s Profile

3) And lastly, as this job just began this past week, is a weekly science blog on the website LabSpaces. I had been communicating with the owner and operator for a while over Twitter, and when he re-designed his website, we came up with the idea of having weekly updated content from individuals with knowledge on a particular field. I was offered to write posts about zoology and ecology, which as you know my blog, are two great obsessions of mine.

Without a any hesitation, I accepted and I put up my first post yesterday regarding the effects of oil on wildlife in the Gulf region. Please give it a read, as it was an absolute pleasure to write. The link can be found here.

If I do not update my blog as often as I should, I apologize, but it will primarily be because of all the time spent doing these three jobs. So, if you’d like to know what I’m working on, check those three sites! And feel free to comment on any and all posts, as I really do appreciate your feedback.

Lastly, I must say, all three of these jobs were presented to me due to my presence on Twitter. For those people who said it was a waste of time, I say, “Oh, really?”