Archives for : MacGruber

Geek News and Unique Characters on the Bus

Just a quick post today, as being bored at work today made me EXTRA sleepy.

– First off, remember those MacGruber skits from SNL? Yeah, they’re making THAT into a movie. You heard me, a MacGruber movie
– Next, in more movie re-making Armageddon, the Blade trilogy is getting a reboot. Apparently, focusing on a half-vampire wasn’t enough. The ‘new’ trilogy will focus on the villain from the first movie, Deacon Frost
– And lastly, a Geek God has written and directed the premiere of Dollhouse season 2. He is the series creator and love of Geek girls everywhere, Mr. Joss Whedon

For all those who are wondering, I am working hard on my next chapter of my novel. I have come up with a title, it’s called “The Black.” I will continue to post chapters as I write them onto my blog … or perhaps even start a new one devoted entirely to it? I’m not too sure. Should be ready by the weekend, but, I cannot guarantee.

I saw a lot of interesting people on the bus ride home today. Everyone has a story, and I wonder what their are:
– The woman with a screaming child who says, “I wanted the RED ONE! RED ONE!”
– The female teenager with a black streak on her white tank-top
– A man reading a Calculus textbook
– A man in a business suit, with a large orange stain on his tie
– A woman reading the 4th Twilight book, dabbing at the tears flowing from her eyes
– Ans most bizarrely, a middle-aged woman wearing pantyhose on her left arm