Archives for : Skating

Ottawa Life

For an assignment, we had to observe something and write an article about it. So, I decided to observe Ottawa citizens on the Rideau Canal one afternoon.


An Ottawa winter is not complete without ice skating on the Rideau Canal.

Having officially opened on January 14 to the public, one of the hallmarks of an Ottawa winter officially began.

Even with the below zero temperature and wind cutting through jackets like a knife, the skaters were kept warm by the smiles on their faces and the excitement in their hearts, despite the consistent flailing of limbs as people fell.

“But Daddy, I don’t know how!” screamed a little girl wrapped up in a pink winter coat and a Disney princess hat, as her father tied up her skates.

Her father simply grinned as he zipped up his suede jacket, and adjusted his black hat and gloves.

“Don’t worry honey, I’ve got you,” he said, as he gently helped her onto the ice.

Within seconds of taking her first careful steps onto the ice, her reddened face changed from an expression of fear to that of unabashed joy, all the while screaming for her father not to let go.

But, like all parents teaching their children to ride a bike, the father let go after a few short minutes without telling her.

“You’re doing it honey!” he shouted a small distance behind her.

As she looked back at him, her smile became impossibly wide as she said; “now I’m better than you, Daddy.”

Watching this as they skated by was a young couple dressed in matching brown and blue parkas.

The man’s face was drenched with sweat as he was holding onto his girlfriend’s arm like a vice. And, as if taking a cue from the little girl in the princess hat, she raised her voice at him and said that if a child could do it without any fear, so could he.

“I mean, you’ve got to be at least three times her age, Jack, and she’s already a better skater than you!”

“I wanted to go see a movie,” said the man with venom in his voice, “but no, you wanted to get some exercise. You know I broke my arm skating!”

Briefly skating away from her boyfriend, the woman did not see that a large man in a trench coat was passing by. She collided into his chest and fell down onto the ice with a large thud.

Her boyfriend erupted into a chorus of laughter as he helped her up, clearly enjoying the sudden reversal of roles.

As they resumed skating, holding each other tightly, they passed the young girl and her father, removing their skates.

“Did you have fun, honey?” said the man in a hopeful voice.

“I fell down Daddy, but I’m ok, see?” said the girl with an infectious smile, causing her father to give her a large hug.

“But Daddy?” said the girl once the hug was done, “can Mommy come next time? I want to show her what a good teacher you are.”

Her father, obviously touched, grinned and grabbed her hand as they walked away.