Archives for : Sleep

Four Months later … and I’m still alive

Well, I finally did it.

I survived the first term as a Journalism Master’s student! It was tough, both mentally and physically, but I survived.

If you have been following my blog, you know that this term has been exceptionally hard for some of us in the Master’s program. You know the ones. We are the ones with no real experience, we possess degrees that give us unique knowledge, but don’t help us in journalism. We stare blankly when people talk about ethics or the law and we always need serious help thinking up story ideas.

I have enjoyed my first term here in Ottawa. But, things could be better.

For instance, I live in an area densely populated with young families and the elderly. Seriously. Not a single person in my program lives relatively close to me.

Therefore, it is a real pain in the butt for me to meet anyone anywhere. I must always take the bus for at least 30 to 40 minutes to get anywhere, not that I mind too much. It just that sometimes, I just wish I could walk for like five to ten minutes and be there. Sometimes, in battle in my head, my tiredness or impending workload overtakes my need to be with my new friends. But, I still go out, just not as much as I would if I could.

My apprenticeship, where I am working at a prestigious science and medical journal, begins on Tuesday. This will be the TRUE test of if I can mesh two things:
my love for science and my improved (?) journalistic skills.

But, I am DONE for the year!!! A special song will be low this post, and I suggest everyone listen to it. It is called, “Still Alive.” It is from the ending credits of a video game, and even if you don’t get all the references, it is still absurdly funny.

Now lastly, I will address a request of a friend of mine.
She asked me, “David, why don’t you blog about your thesis work last year? You totally should.”

First off, to properly blog about it, it would take me a LONG time. However, a brief overview of my intense thesis work can easily be provided.

WAY back in second year university, I took a course about animals and I became friendly with the professor. I would sit outside the lab and read what out labs were about before we did them, and the professor would always walk by and we’d chat for a few minutes. Quickly, I learned a lot about him, and how we shared many similar interests. This was good news for some of my female friends, as they had MASSIVE crushes on him, and would giggle and swoon for any new piece of information.

Through our conversations, I mentioned to him that I wanted to become a Herpetologist. That is NOT the biology of Herpes, ok? NOT ABOUT STD’S!
It means the study of reptiles and amphibians, because I absolutely love reptiles.

I would continually seem him throughout third year, and in fourth year I took his fourth year course during the fall.

Then, over the Christmas break, I received an email from him. He said that he knows I am taking a fifth year to do my thesis, and that he would really like me to work with him. HE roughly came up with experiment, and through further conversations, I flushed it out and here it is.

I would be working with a species of frog known as Xenopus, AKA the albino clawed-frog. They have little claws, no pigment, mouths that look like they belong to Muppet’s, and translucent skin. Yes, you did read that right, translucent skin!
That means that when I would feed them, I would see the food going into their bellies and stuff … it was kinda gross.

My experiment was based off of salt on the roads. During the winter months, Ontario over-salts the roads to reduce ice, but when the surrounding snow melts, the water (with a lot of salt) flows into our rivers and streams. We wanted to test how high the salt concentration would have to be before the frogs died. Because, frogs are an ‘indicator species,’ if they die, others die.

I would examine a few things: The ion content of various organs, their protein content, their blood and muscle moisture, as well as examining different cell properties under the fluorescent microscope.

I already have a picture of one of the slides I made up on a previous post. Here is the link:

And now, I am going to sleep in and NOT set my alarm. That will be the first time since I got here in September when I did NOT have something to do … pity it won’t last!

And without further ado, here is the song:

Let There be Snow!

First off, I’ll let everyone know that my sleep schedule is ALMOST back to normal. It was touch and go there for a few days, but it is pretty well back to normal after sleeping for 11 hours last night 🙂

Today in Ottawa, it snowed. I know that I should not be surprised, as it IS winter after all. During my walk in the snow, I almost tripped, my right pant leg got soaked and I have a nagging feeling that I am getting sick.

Truly, this is a Winter Wonder-Hell.

During my contemplation of the wicked white weather that was being thrust upon Ottawa, I began to think about snow.

We have all heard the saying that, “You are unique like a snowflake.”

And that is partly true, as snow is formed by the random assortment of water molecules up in the atmosphere when they freeze.

But, think about a snow storm. The are trillions upon trillions of little snowflakes in a snow storm. Yet, probability states that no two snowflakes will be similar in that one storm.

But, with every snowflake that has EVER been created in every storm, the odds of two snowflakes actually being similar is highly likely.

Therefore, there is a good chance that there have been two snowflakes that are exactly identical to one another. That’s right, two snowflakes that are the exact same. Doesn’t that just blow your mind?

And even if you don’t believe me, that’s fine.

Just consider this if every believe that single snowflake is special:
“You are unique like a snowflake … just like everybody else.”

Doesn’t that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside?

No Rest for the Wicked

Friday night. Ottawa. My place. No plans.

The first Friday night in any number of weeks where I have not had plans, which is a good thing. I had a lot of stuff that I had wanted to get done, not work, but stuff that needed to be done.

I had an early dinner, while watching some TV. TV watching is relaxing … sometimes too much.

I began to doze off, and was forced to rewind the show probably about half-a-dozen times, so that I could catch the ending.

“SLEEP! I NEED SLEEP!!!” shouted my brain. “I’m tired from a long day of class, as well as a stressful week. Why won’t you let me sleep?” it said.

After a short amount of time, I had to give in. I have been fighting sleep for months, and just needed to give in.

I walked to my room, set my alarm for an hour from then and napped.

SILENCE. Dead calm.

Wind howling outside my window, a tree scraping against a fence, a dog barking in the distance. None of those mattered, as I slowly closed my eyes and lapsed into unconsciousness.

My eyes open, bleary from sleep. I look at my clock, 11:55 p.m.

My mind slowly starts working again. Slowly at fist.

“What day is it?”
Check watch
“Friday, almost Saturday. Ok… what happened?”
I pause and breathe, getting oxygen to my brain
I do not recall going to bed, but I remember that I napped.
I check my watch again.. 11:56 p.m.
“Did I…. no… no way,” I say to myself.

I napped for almost 5 hours. What does one do in that situation?

I sat on my bed, and contemplated my options:
1) Go back to bed, and wake up early in the morning
2) Go back to bed and try to sleep as long as possible
3) Get up, do some stuff and go to bed later

I chose option #3.

So, here I am at three in the morning updating my blog. My head hurts, my eyes hurt a little and I’m kinda hungry.

I wanted to go to the school library tomorrow morning to do research for a couple of hours before coming back home and doing a bunch of work. I am not too sure I am going to, as my entire day’s schedule is now going to be messed up because of my nap need.

I am officially done with naps. The divorce papers are signed, bags are packed and I asked for my CDs to be mailed to me.

I will stay up for a bit longer, before heading off to bed. My PLAN is to wake up and still go to the library tomorrow to start the work I need to get done in this home-stretch of the term.

I pray I have the mental faculties to commit to this plan and actually end up getting work done, as I haven’t gotten anything done today.

Or, maybe I’ll just stay up ALL night and sleep during the day to slowly become a vampire … or a nocturnal mole-person.

Any preferences?