Archives for : Twitter

The Beginning of the End

With The Definitive Answers going strong, this seems like the perfect time to pile on even more onto my plate (but I couldn’t be more excited!)

As long-time readers know, I began writing a novel in the summer of 2009 entitled, “The Black.” It all started with a few sentences I wrote down at my job, that blossomed into a chapter that quickly became a whole synopsis of a novel. And so, I began to write.

On the right side of my blog, you will see the first five chapters of The Black, which people have shown genuine interest in me finishing. However, when school started once again that fall, it went on the back burner. It was never forgotten, just often swept-aside in favour of other projects.

But, that time has ended.

In collaboration with a friend on Twitter (@genegeek), this is the start of what we are calling, “The Epic Writing Adventure.”

The rules are simple:
1) Write a novel that totals at least 30,000 words (or write your thesis – just set a goal)
2) We have exactly one month to do it (February 16th – March 16th)
3) To monitor our progress, follow me (@davidmanly) and @genegeekon Twitter, or simply search #TheEWA hash-tag on Twitter
4) After the month, we will edit the novels and perhaps even look into ways to publish
5) ANYONE is welcome to join in on the writing adventure!
6) This adventure is open to both fiction and non-fiction, or even any type of long-form journalism or thesis.

If we get enough people involved with this, we will design a badge for your blog or wall so you can marvel at your great accomplishment once we’re done!

And simply because you have read the first few parts of my novel that I have put on my blog, doesn’t mean you know how the story begins. What I wrote before was simply a rough draft to keep me writing … you haven’t seen anything yet.

Things will be changed, edited, moved around, but the core story will stay the same:

The Black” tells a story of a young lab assistant, who after a lab accident begins to view his past in flashes, starting from the moment of the accident to when he was born. But, the thing is, memories do not stop surfacing. Memories from before he was even born …”

Stay tuned for more!

My Absence Explained!

I am sorry I have been away these past few weeks, but I assure you, I have a very good reason!

The week before my Master’s of Journalism graduation, I got offered a few opportunities to keep me busy. And since then, I have gotten three different jobs with three quite different websites. That is why I have not been blogging, as I have been quite busy writing content for these various websites.

So, I decided that I will list them here (as well as under my recently published articles area), so that you all can keep tabs on my latest works without me updating my blog every day.

1) The first opportunity that came my way was through Twitter. I had been speaking to the owner and operator of a website for many months, and she came up with a brilliant idea – to have two people watch the TV show “Lost” from the very beginning, one that has seen the show before and one that has not. The website is called the Geek Girls Network, and I have become their very first male contributor 🙂

Now, in case you didn’t know, I have been a large fan of Lost since the beginning, so I was offered the role of the veteran in this little experiment – hence the name of the posts, “Lost for Veterans.”

The introduction to the posts can be found here, while the first post (covering the first half of season one), can be found here.

The posts will be updated every week or two, so check the website ( regularly.

2) The second job also came from Twitter, as a friend of mine re-tweeted that a website was looking for another writer to add daily content on a wide variety of nerdy topics (such as pop culture, movies, interesting stuff found on the internet, TV shows, video games, and much more). So, I applied, and after a few days of seeing what I could do, they hired me!

The website is called Nerdbastards, and you can check out the link below to look at my profile, and see all the latest articles I was written for the site. I write stuff every day, so please check back as often as you can, as there is something for everyone on the site.

Here’s the link: David Manly’s Profile

3) And lastly, as this job just began this past week, is a weekly science blog on the website LabSpaces. I had been communicating with the owner and operator for a while over Twitter, and when he re-designed his website, we came up with the idea of having weekly updated content from individuals with knowledge on a particular field. I was offered to write posts about zoology and ecology, which as you know my blog, are two great obsessions of mine.

Without a any hesitation, I accepted and I put up my first post yesterday regarding the effects of oil on wildlife in the Gulf region. Please give it a read, as it was an absolute pleasure to write. The link can be found here.

If I do not update my blog as often as I should, I apologize, but it will primarily be because of all the time spent doing these three jobs. So, if you’d like to know what I’m working on, check those three sites! And feel free to comment on any and all posts, as I really do appreciate your feedback.

Lastly, I must say, all three of these jobs were presented to me due to my presence on Twitter. For those people who said it was a waste of time, I say, “Oh, really?”

It’s been a while ….

Yeah, I know it’s been a while. Yeah, I know you all have been eagerly awaiting my next post.

I know, and I apologize. But, this term has kept me incredibly busy, and when you spend every day reading and writing, its hard to get the motivation to do it for fun. If I were paid to do so, that would be different (and I am currently accepting sponsorship offers) 😉

So, here is something a little different.

For those of you who do not know, I am on Twitter (follow me! @davidmanly) and have become quite an avid Twitter-er.

Therefore, so you can all know what I was up to in San Diego … here are my Tweets from when I left Ottawa for San Diego to my return.

Ohhh, and zoo pictures will be up soon 🙂


In San Diego, getting ready to go to some receptions. Little nervous, as this is my first time to meet and talk with prof. writers 5:45 PM Feb 18th

Ok, off to shoot a video and then attend some receptions … wish me luck! 5:54 PM Feb 18th
– This door-knocker prevents disturbances and potential molesters from coming to you hotel 6:12 PM Feb 18th
– I saw the sign, I opened up my eyes and saw the sign … 6:32 PM Feb 18th

‘Think Canada’ button is firmly on my chest. Wooo Canada! #aaas 8:43 PM Feb 18th

Being given a pep talk by the president of the #aaas, who is also a Nobel laureate. 9:53 PM Feb 18th

Wooooo Plasmodium falciparum! I love parasitology and microbiology 🙂 10:20 PM Feb 18th

I’m in the same hall that has hosted #SDCC Marvel and DC panels, and yet, I am learning about aquaporins. Wooooo 😉 10:26 PM Feb 18th

I’m in the same hall that has hosted #SDCC Marvel and DC panels, and yet, I am learning about aquaporins. Wooooo 😉 10:26 PM Feb 18th

OK, ready to hear about the science of superheroes! Wooooo! #aaas 11:23 AM Feb 19th

Apparently, Masi O. and Milo V. from TV’s Heroes are supposed to be here #aaas 11:27 AM Feb 19th

All about making science ‘real’, and they worked on Watchmen, new Tron, Fringe and Caprica 11:44 AM Feb 19th

Watchmen screenwriter and author of Physics of Superheroes are also here. 11:47 AM Feb 19th

Saw a video with Brian and Stewie talking about science and the awesome reach-around that it is 11:57 AM Feb 19th

19/50 of top grossing films are sci-fi or superhero related 12:00 PM Feb 19th

Day after tomorrow … bad film with bad science 12:03 PM Feb 19th

Two good scientists in movies: Foster in Contact and Williams in Good Will Hunting 12:14 PM Feb 19th

Screenwriter from Watchmen is great and talking about the plausibility of science 12:21 PM Feb 19th

Death of Gwen Stacy is perfect example of kinetic motion and gravity 12:31 PM Feb 19th

Thank Quantum Mechanics for your iPod 12:38 PM Feb 19th

So happy. Shrodinger’s cat thought experiment is being discussed 12:39 PM Feb 19th

Science of Dr. Manhattan finally explained! 🙂 12:46 PM Feb 19th

Science of different powers on TV’s Heroes. Now? Invisibility and flight #aaas 12:59 PM Feb 19th

Last speaker: How do superheroes evolve? 1:13 PM Feb 19th

Best sentence so far: “A mutational innovation” #aaas 1:18 PM Feb 19th

Choanoflagellates … ancestor of multicelluar animals? 1:28 PM Feb 19th

I just met the woman who is the science advisor for the show Breaking Bad #aaas 1:50 PM Feb 19th

Worst sci-fi movie of all-time from the panel. The consensus is The Core #aaas 2:07 PM Feb 19th

Panel is done … 90 minutes till my next one about food allergies. Off to exhibit hall 2:15 PM Feb 19th

In the food allergy presentation discussing allergen detection and even a possible cure #aaas10 4:34 PM Feb 19th

No definite cure for allergies, so main way is reading food labels! Do you read them? #aaasa10 4:51 PM Feb 19th

One food contains multiple possible allergens that an individual could be allergic too #aaas10 4:57 PM Feb 19th

Cure possible? A researcher has shown that daily exposure to allergens do increase tolerance. #aaas10 5:26 PM Feb 19th

They expect that within 3 years, a treatment for allergies will be available, besides carrying an Epi-Pen #aaas10 5:41 PM Feb 19th

In a rather dry, but very important seminar, regarding scientist communication with policymakers #aaas10 6:56 PM Feb 19th

Ig Nobel prize discovery – the “rescue bra” which can quickly turn into a respiratory mask. I kid you NOT 8:57 PM Feb 19th via mobile web – The amazing RESCUE BRA! 9:05 PM Feb 19th

One last thing for #aaas10 today. Apparently, the first stage of love (obsessed stage) in the brain is identical to that of someone with OCD 12:24 AM Feb 20th

Just got into my first seminar of the day: Repairing our DNA. I’m looking forward to this one! #aaas10 11:27 AM Feb 20th

Room was EMPTY, but now starting to slowly fill up #aaas10 11:31 AM Feb 20th

One human cell has around two meters of DNA! WOW! #aaas10 11:35 AM Feb 20th

First presenter: DNA mismatch repair systems and why use model organisms #aaas10 11:44 AM Feb 20th

Fascinating stuff about yeast genetics (gene loss from genome rearrangements) and the rate of this is much higher than we thought #aaas10 11:54 AM Feb 20th

But don’t worry. Our cells have numerous repair mechanisms to combat this (but, nothing’s perfect) #aaas10 12:01 PM Feb 20th

“There is a method to my madness” – Comforting thoughts from a cancer/DNA biologist #aaas10 12:08 PM Feb 20th

New speaker discussing Xeroderma pigemnentosum (cannot repair UV dna damage and creates many cancerous lesions) #aaas10 12:17 PM Feb 20th

Over 400 cancer genes have been identified (aka oncogenes) #aaas10 12:24 PM Feb 20th

Last presenter: Importance of DNA double-strand break repair #aaas10 12:33 PM Feb 20th

Chemotherapy agents damage DNA, which can cause cancer #aaas10 12:33 PM Feb 20th

Students are falling asleep to the left and right, but it is fascinating (double-strand break repair mechanisms) #aaas10 12:42 PM Feb 20th

BRCA2 (known to be involved with breast cancer) is very important in double-strand break repair #aaas10 12:45 PM Feb 20th

Ahhhh snoRNA, how I missed you (pronounced snore-nah) #aaas10 12:56 PM Feb 20th

I asked a good question. Yay me! #aaas10 12:59 PM Feb 20th

Did you know that particle physics helped make the shrink-wrap around Butterball turkeys stronger? #aaas10 1:36 PM Feb 20th

Ok, break for lunch! In an hour, I’ll tweet from a press briefing about stem cells #aaas10 2:01 PM Feb 20th

Awaiting the news conference to begin #aaas10 2:58 PM Feb 20th

We need to think of cancer as a disease of stem cells, as that is where most begin #aaas10 3:17 PM Feb 20th

For stem cell therapy – “The science is just NOT there yet, but will be soon” #aaas10 3:23 PM Feb 20th

Umbilical stem cells work for a small child for blood-related cells. No lung, no brain. They are unproven #aaas10 3:28 PM Feb 20th

Met a nice girl from Texas today, and now I’m off to do an interview about women in science #aaas10 5:43 PM Feb 20th

Back to the hotel … exhausted, and it’s only 8pm 11:05 PM Feb 20th

Watching Frost/Nixon on TV … good times 🙂 11:46 PM Feb 20th

“I’m saying, that when the President does it, it’s not illegal” 12:38 AM Feb 21st

Mmmmm, Canadian Press breakfast …. #aaas10 11:18 AM Feb 21st

About to attend a presentation about women in science in US, Canada and the world #aaas10 11:30 AM Feb 21st

European Union has 27 countries with over 500 million people (bigger than the US) #aaas10 11:50 AM Feb 21st

“Women are not daunted by science, but are daunted by careers” – EU Commission #aaas10 12:06 PM Feb 21st

“Science is not biased, but people and employers are” – US representative #aaas10 2:31 PM Feb 21st

Had lunch and now in a sustainability lecture regarding communities #aaas10 5:14 PM Feb 21st

It seems that the public does not trust scientists to put society’s goals above their own goals #aaas10 5:26 PM Feb 21st

Little Timmy took a drink, but he will drink no more. For what he thought was H20, was H2S04 5:44 PM Feb 21st – You gotta start ’em young! 6:05 PM Feb 21st

I’m excited for this talk: Mutators vs. Anti-Mutators in Evolution and Medicine #aaas10 6:31 PM Feb 21st

Canadians everywhere are in mourning. So disappointing. However, we still have hope! #GoCanada 10:07 PM Feb 21st

Unexpected meeting with @MiPiAi was fantastic … made a day that was not going well turn great 1:22 AM Feb 22nd

I lost my umbrella today 1:22 AM Feb 22nd

GO CANADA! Ice dancing was grrrrrrreat 1:36 AM Feb 22nd

Got up and my computer has a problem. But, off to breakfast and then the zoo. No conference for me today 🙂 1:46 PM Feb 22nd

*Phew* Did most of the San Diego zoo in like 4-5 hours. It was a good day 8:20 PM Feb 22nd

Heading out to my first ever #TweetUp, with the fabulous @ArkhamAsylumDoc. Great way to finish up my last day in San Diego 🙂 11:01 PM Feb 22nd

#GoCanada! THAT’S how you ice dance 2:40 AM Feb 23rd

Airport fun!!! 1:16 PM Feb 23rd – Woooo! Exit row! I’m the go-to guy in event of a landing to open to door. Go me! 2:32 PM Feb 23rd

Landed in Chicago, had a quick bite of McD’s, and now waiting to take off back to Ottawa. Hopefully it won’t be too cold 🙂 7:20 PM Feb 23rd – Hey David, it’s Canada. Welcome back … Sucker 9:33 PM Feb 23rd

Winter activities, Ferrets and the virtues of Twitter

Every day that passes by, is another step closer to my eventual return to Ottawa and journalism.

Recently, I’ve been taking it easy and relaxing with friends and family.

However, do not think I’ve shirked my many responsibilities that I have to do when I’m home. I have started reading a book which needs to be reviewed for science journalism at the beginning of January, as well as watching my MRP footage and taking notes about the shots I took.

The worst part is watching myself doing the stand-up’s and video diaries which I made in South Dakota.

It’s odd watching yourself on video, and since I was the only one there, I just kept the camera running as I did take after take.

So, there are many takes of me flubbing my lines, and since the camera was running and I was miked, you can hear me talking to myself in the badlands of South Dakota. It’s very funny, but at the same time, slightly cringe-inducing.

Whatever shape my MRP takes, it will be interesting, that’s for sure.

I also need to start thinking about how I can set up a website for it….

Anyway, I had an interesting experience with the last article that I had to hand in for 2009.

The article was about my experiences tagging along with a company that did crime scene and biological clean-up. I really needed an outside source to discuss how important safety is in that particular industry.

I tried calling police officers and the like, but no one was getting back to me promptly. That was, until I mentioned what I was writing about on Twitter.

One of the people who I follow, and have had Twitter conversations with on various occasions, mentioned to me that she is in the industry. Not only that, she also knows a lot about the various safety concerns that can crop up.

I got a source, for a school assignment, via TWITTER! Seriously, how amazing is that???

Thank you so much, Adrianna. You saved the day! 🙂

Dr. Tweetlove, Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Twitter

Do you get the title reference? Of course you do!

So, yes, I finally relented on Friday and joined Twitter.

Why you ask? Well, I was bored at work (as per usual), and I know that most of my J-school friends are on it, and I never really gave it a chance. So, I decided I would check it out.

It’s interesting, and I have a better feeling of why so many people are so addicted to it. And, it’s good to see what all my great J-school friends are up to (since we don’t have regular school contact until September).

If you are on Twitter, feel free to follow me. My name on Twitter is VERY tricky. Are you ready? It’s: davidmanly

Now, for what I promised on Twitter, and have told some people about.

Because I am so bored at work, I have decided to start writing a bit of a novel. Yes, a novel. I haven’t been working on it for long, and I just have the first two chapters done along with a rough plot outline.

However, I decided to put the Prelude on my blog, and see what people think. Feel free to post your comments, or email me what you think. It is by no means finished, as it is only a rough draft, and feedback is appreciated.



“It was a dark and stormy night …” laid typed on the laptop.

Wow, how unoriginal, the man at the keyboard thought in a small hotel room.

The room was your standard cheap hotel room just off the highway. Nothing fancy, besides a desk with a lamp that seemingly resembled a tortoise shell, a bed with a beige comforter and a small desk and chair.

Seriously man, he thought. A thousand monkeys typing at a hundred typewriters can write Hamlet … and you cannot even write a decent opening line!

Fed up with himself, the man deleted the sentence with a quick flick of his wrist.

Another productive night of doing nothing. An excellent waste of time of just waiting for that singular moment which will define you. That which will show everyone who you really are.

Angrily, the man stood up and walked to the window next to his desk. Without any hesitation, he flew open the yellow time-tinted blinds.

A full moon emerged from behind the dark clouds, and as the moonlight swept over him, he felt oddly nervous. Well, not nervous. More anxious. Anxious for what was to come tomorrow.

It’s finally time, he thought.

All those years, all the meticulous planning. Our plan will finally come to fruition. My brother and sister will be pleased.

Now, what you must know about this man, is that he is not evil. Not by any sense of the word. He simply takes the path of least resistance, which often takes him into dark and dangerous situations that others would simply run away from in fear.

He was not one of those men.

In fact, you would be hard pressed to find someone who was less human than this man.

Whilst staring at the moon, the man began to look forward to tomorrow. Because tomorrow … tomorrow, would be his beginning. And yet, for many others, it would be their end.

And then, he smiled.