Archives for : winner

‘Tis the Season

First and foremost … a little housecleaning!

The winner of my Holiday contest is:
*drum roll please*

AMANDA!!!! With an amazing 15/15!!!!

She blew everyone else out of the water! And for those of you who didn’t participate and send in your answers … I know who you are. What couldn’t take a few minutes to answer 15 multiple choice questions? Honestly, I probably spend more time eating or yawning than it would have taken some of you to do it.

I can say, I am a little disappointed at some people for not participating.

Secondly, I have been at my apprenticeship for a WEEK. Here’s what has happened:
– Immediately started writing stories
– Got my own phone and a computer inside a cubical where no one can see me
– Get treated with slightly less disdain than a student
– Transit strike
– Work from home for 2 days
– Walk over an hour to apprenticeship
– Get sick
– Walk to apprenticeship
– Call doctor’s in the states and the Vatican about stem cells and invitro fertilization

Sounds like a hoot and a holler, eh?

Now, here is something I wrote during my apprenticeship, when I just couldn’t do any more work…. I hope you enjoy it.

Ever get the feeling that the whole world is going to hell in a hand basket? That we are tumbling towards a dark abyss from which here is no return? The evilness and ill-will surrounds us at every turn? That people are inherently seeking to please themselves and not others?

I believe that we all get that way sometimes, and I was having one of those moments.

Sitting at my desk at my apprenticeship, feeling sick, cold and dreading the long walk home due to the transit strike, I began to surf the few internet sites that are permissible here.

I found the Toronto Star website.

During my search, I found something … a diamond in the rough.

Was it the fact that scientists achieved a partial face transplant?
Interesting, but no.
Was it the fact that a scientist believes Santa uses nanotechnology to travel all over the world, and to reverse-grow presents under the tree?
Weirdly no.
Or was it about Jennifer Aniston’s gorgeous body on the cover of this month’s GQ? Sadly not.

It is entitled: Acts of Kindness.

It is an absolute joy to read and a pleasure to right about. It consists of a collection of short stories about Canadians experiencing the phenomena of RAK (Random Acts of Kindness).

It put a smile on my face and warmed the dead are where my heart used to dwell, before Biology/Undergrad/Journalism sucked the life out of it leaving a dark and vacant hole where sadness, pity and loneliness dwell … and, I’m pretty sure, a family of raccoons and mice.

Thank you Toronto Star, for shining a light in the darkness and illuminating the goodness that some people show. Thank you.

Here is the link, read it and pass it on … after all, ‘spread some joy instead of hate. ‘Tis the season after all 🙂