Goodbye Gil

Many years ago, when I was in high school, I became sick with the flu during the summer. There was nothing much to do whilst sick, other than lie down and watch TV or movies.

One day, I was flipping channels, and rested upon a channel to see what was on. When the show began, I had no idea what it was, but it seemed interesting. There was some dark humour (my favourite), murder and some pithy dialogue.

That show quickly rocketed to the top of my favourite MUST see TV list. I watched old re-runs on every network that was airing them, I taped them, I rented DVDs and was ALL caught up on all the seasons so far by the time the new season started.

That show had everything that I like: Murder, mystery, scientific language and tools, great characters, compelling storylines and a lead actor who was amazing. He was in control, a certified genius, quirky, odd and a perfect example of a modern day Sherlock Holmes. I am, of course, talking about the show CSI: Crime Scene Investigations and its star, Gil Grissom (played by William Peterson).

There was, and still is, a reason why it is TV’s #1 rated show.

Every character has had moments in the sun: Catherine, Gil, Nick, Warrick, Sara, Greg, Doc Robbins, David, DNA lady, Archie, Hodges and even the fingerprint girl.

And now, sadly, my favourite character on TV has departed. Gil Grissom has left CSI as a regular cast member, and may return next year for a few episodes, but consider him gone.

He was the reason why I continued to watch the show, he was the ‘hook’ that kept me watching all those years. But, I like the characters and the show is still entertaining after all these years, so I will give it a chance. I shall continue watching the show and see how new cast member Laurence Fishburn does.

Here are some of my favourite episodes of CSI that you should watch:
Grave Danger
For Gedda/For Warrick
Who Shot Sherlock?
Invisible Evidence
Any of the Lady Heather Episodes
Any of the Paul Milander Episodes
You Kill Me
And many, many others

Even as I watch all the new episodes, I will miss William Peterson’s character. I am sure I am not the only one who will be watching the new episodes with trepidation.

Goodbye Gil, you will be missed.

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  1. apparently ashlee simpson and pete wentz are going to be cast as guest stars on the show… i hope this doesn’t affect your love of csi…