It’s A Brand New Day

It’s a brand new day of a brand new year with a (somewhat) brand new blog!

But before I get to the reveal of The definitive host 3.0 upgrade, I have some other news to share first.

I have another post up on the Scientific American Guest Blog, this time about some of my favourite animals – Snakes!
The post is entitled, “Biting the hand that feeds: The evolution of snake venom.” I had an absolute blast writing it, and I hope you will all enjoy reading it.

Now, on to the main event. But instead of you reading what is coming up with my blog, let me tell you.

That’s right, this blog will now have a significant amount of time spent answering YOUR science questions that you have always wondered about but never quite understood. Is there anything you or anyone who know has always wondered about?

So go ahead, ask away!

I will try to answer each and every question I get, and if I cannot, I will find someone who can. But, for this to succeed, I need your help. Promote this blog, get people involved, and I think this could turn into something really, really special (but only if you help).

Please submit questions to:

Thank you, and stay tuned!

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