Journalism UPDATE…. and an age old question ANSWERED

So, I decided to amalgamate 2 separate posts into one πŸ™‚

Firstly, a bit of good news. Last week, I got an acceptance letter for the Master’s of Journalism program at Western!!!!!!!! Cool, huh?
As of right now, I am not 100% sure if I’m going to take it just yet, but I’m leaning to it. The main issue is, the term starts in MAY, not September. Therefore, a huge amount of problems are creeping up (where to live, money, etc…).
BUT, those are good problems, right?

And now, something I thought of yesterday, and have given a LOT of thought about a VERY old question:
What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Now, I am NOT a philosophy guy, I’m more a science guy (as you all know). Therefore, I am going to take this from a scientific perspective.

According to Darwininan evolution, every unique organism evolves from an ancestor that passed on good genes to its subsequent offspring. The offspring also posses some new spontaneous mutations, that make it more ‘adapted’ to its current environment.
**This is a VAST oversimplification, as it takes thousands and millions of years for this to happen, but go with me here**

Using evolution, EVERY organism evolved from an ancestor that was similar to it, but not quite. Therefore, a chicken must have evolved from a chicken-like ancestor.
Everyone still with me here?

This chicken-like ancestor must have almost been a true chicken (but NOT a chicken as we know it today, even if one gene differed, it’s still not a ‘present day’ chicken). So, when this chicken-like ancestor mated with another chicken-like ancestor, it produced an offspring within an egg, which was the layed. THIS offspring is the chicken as we know it. BUT, it is still only an embryo that must grow into a chicken. However, it is incubated WITHIN AN EGG UNTIL IT HATCHES INTO A CHICKEN.

Therefore, the answer to the age old question, what came first: the chicken or the egg?
The answer, is of course, the EGG layed from a chicken-like ancestor that contains a chicken.
TADA!!!!!! *Takes a bow**
Please, hold your applause…. thank you, thank you πŸ™‚

Let me know any arguments/rebuttals to this solution. This is not set in stone, let me know what you think and I will/can adapt it accordingly.
THIS IS MY IDEA AND MY IDEA ONLY……… please do not pass it off as your own!

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Comments (4)

  1. Eric

    Try saying “the EGG” to the Chicken from Family Guy…you’ll surely get a beating.

    Congrats on getting accepted to the Master’s program at Western!

  2. your argument is fine, but I think you are missing something. You are clustering all current chicken like creatures into a general species called Chicken, even though they have genetic mutations and defects that have the potential for propagating into a new subspecies. Your non-chicken created an egg that contained a chicken, but from what i know of evolution theory, this process is too slow to have such clear cut-offs, so the non-chicken ancestor is only marginally dissimilar from the chicken-child, and probably contains a vast majority of the genetic properties that we use to qualify a chicken. Therefore, I think it is a bit of a logical jump to introduce such a clear cut off into the equation.

    Just my take on this πŸ™‚

  3. Elisa

    congrats on your acceptance!!!

    im so happy for you πŸ™‚

    i have yet to hear anything yet, but my programs don’t start until september…so hopefully that’s not a bad sign just yet lol πŸ™‚

  4. Blackie

    interesting post! I think I understand your thesis, and with my limited scientific knowledge, it seems to make sense! sounds good to me =)