Those that change our lives

First of all, I’d like to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone out there! I hope everyone’s 2008 will be full of wonderful memories, great people and fantastic memories. 🙂

In my last post, I skirted around an event that occurred to me and my family almost 2 weeks ago. It was, that my grandfather passed away, Abe Ziskin. He was a wonderful person, and he will be sorely missed. That’s not to say he was perfect, anyone who knew him knew he was STUBBORN and always right (kinda like me!). He survived many things, and as was said of him by his doctor: “He was like a cat with nine lives, but, he had used eleven”. But, enough sadness, it is time to move on to happier things.

As most of you know, an idea has been percolating in my head for the past few weeks regarding if I should pursue journalism as a potential career instead of going into research. And, I have made a decision, and I believe that this may be one of the few moments in a life where one decision significantly influences the future. I have decided, to apply for Journalism! I am extremely excited for this, and have been working in the application process for a few days now. As a precaution, I have also prepared myself for the chance of not getting in (hopefully I will, but a contingency plan is always good), and I will spend my time until the next enrollment period writing a LOT more and getting some sort of position at a newspaper or some sort of news service. SO, WISH ME LUCK!!!!

Some people have been shocked at my decision, but most have been very, very supportive. I would especially like to thank: Elisa, Abby, Inna, Irisz and my entire family. So, let me take this opportunity to THANK YOU ALL for your support and friendship, it will not be forgotten. But, most of all, I’d like to thank my sister, Sara. And it really wasn’t anything she did, she just said that she would be proud of me whatever I do, but that she thinks that this might be exactly what I’ve been looking for.

On a different note, I saw the movie “Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story” and I really enjoyed it. The best part, is when he meets ‘the Beatles’ played by various actors with faux accents. And, something is said by Paul Rudd (the husband in “Knocked Up” and the guy with the box of ‘erotica’ in “40 Year Old Virgin”) who plays John Lennon, and says “There is no limit to what you can … imagine”. It was a hilarious line which I keep quoting as much as possible, so here’s the video.

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Comments (3)

  1. Blackie

    Oooo…you wish me “wonderful” and “fantastic” memories??? thanks!!

    Also, thanks for the shout-out! Keep working hard and you’ll end up on the right road to your destination =)

  2. de sa

    Good luck with your applications. Hopefully this will be an area that you see yourself doing for the next while…

    …although, I must admit that I did imagine you being the next Steve Irwin (minus going up against the fish of course)…

    …we’ll see…