Two girls, a guy and a shot in the arm

Now, I know I blogged yesterday, but today was so odd that I felt I must.

Last night, I could not sleep. All I could think about was how much work is looming over me this entire week. I have SIX, that’s right SIX, assignments to do before the end of the week. I need to accomplish at LEAST 1.2 assignments per day!!!

I got two hours of sleep, so, suffice it to say, I was not in the best shape to come to class this morning.

What you must know, is our Monday class is tag-teamed by two guys who would cause anyone’s Gay-Dar to short out. One has a ring, the other does not, but there are suspicions abound.
Case in point, there are two pieces of evidence that points only in one direction:
– A LOT of mention of “low hanging fruit”
– “People don’t care how the sausage is made. They only care how it tastes”

Honestly people, what would YOU THINK??

At the mention of the sausage comment, many of our class laughed, including me. And then, I made the mistake of making contact with one of the girls who was on the verge of loosing it. We both, as if by some telepathic bond, knew what each other was thinking and laughed hysterically for the next few minutes.

I have great misgivings about this class.

So, THEN, I was told to ‘act’ out a fake interview scene about a man being bitten by a giraffe. Yes. I know. Honestly?

Anyway, after that absurdly long class which moves slower than a turtle up a hill, I proceeded to do a massive amount of work.

Was I productive? Somewhat
Did I get some things done? Kinda

Then, I went to a free MUMPS booster shot clinic and had a very interesting time there.

I met a public health nurse, who was very, very pretty. And, the end of the conversation went like this.
*I asked her for her phone number to interview her later in the week*
Nurse – “OK, here it … wait, you;re not going to use this to call me up and ask me out are you?”
Me – “I wasn’t planning on it”
Nurse – *Smirks* “Well, that’s a shame”
Me – “Well, maybe I will …”
Nurse – “And maybe I’ll say yes ;)”

As if that wasn’t cool enough!

I sat down for the mandated 15 minutes of observation period, and got talking with yet another attractive girl. Instead of talking for 15 minutes and parting ways, we ended up talking for OVER AN HOUR. Yah.

Sadly, before I could ask her about her dinner plans, a friend of hers spontaneously appeared and lured her away. But, let’s just say, it won’t be the last time we see each other 😉

So, all in all, it was a craptacular day that turned out to be pretty good.

Until I came home and saw my ‘To Do List,’ and how little I have gotten done today and how much shit I have to do this week.

If I survive this week, I will probably be so deprived of sleep and so temporarily insane that I will probably gorge myself to death on a mixture of cheese and orange juice …. mmmmmmmm.

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Comments (5)

  1. Daniel

    Hey Dave!
    Great post, I enjoyed it quite a bit.
    Not just one but 2 girls? No one can resist the manly charm 😛
    Cheese and orange juice? SIGN ME UP!!

  2. The Peach:

    “Before I go on, there is an ongoing debate amongst my classmates as to whether or not the flamboyant man-types are actually gay. One of them wears a wedding ring, but he also looks like he would easily fit right into a bar full of topless, glittery men in thongs.”


    “What you must know, is our Monday class is tag-teamed by two guys who would cause anyone’s Gay-Dar to short out. One has a ring, the other does not, but there are suspicions abound.”

    The Peach:

    “There was no hiding the laughter this time. My entire side of the classroom burst into quick but violent laughter, which we immediately quelled with horrified looks on our faces. Shit. Did we just laugh out loud? Maybe the man-types didn’t notice?

    Then I made the mistake of making eye contact with HotMess.”


    “At the mention of the sausage comment, many of our class laughed, including me. And then, I made the mistake of making contact with one of the girls who was on the verge of loosing it. We both, as if by some telepathic bond, knew what each other was thinking and laughed hysterically for the next few minutes.”

    The Peach:

    “I was feeling the stress after FauxHawk left on Sunday. One of my story ideas for my current affairs program didn’t pan out, I have 6 more assignments due this week, and I’m not going to have sex for three weeks. Oh, and my apartment smells like some kind of mystery rot and my cat has dandruff. Ah, life.”


    I sat down for the mandated 15 minutes of observation period, and got talking with yet another attractive girl. Instead of talking for 15 minutes and parting ways, we ended up talking for OVER AN HOUR. Yah.

    Sadly, before I could ask her about her dinner plans, a friend of hers spontaneously appeared and lured her away. But, let’s just say, it won’t be the last time we see each other 😉

    So your blog/life is eerily similiar to The Peach’s, except that she’s not getting any and you are?


  3. Yes, our lives are eerily similar … isn’t that weird? If only that could be partially explained by us being in the same program!

    I would never compare my life to the Peach. Her life is an unintentional comedic mess, while mine is like a a 30 minute comedy show.

    And I did not say that I was getting any … did I? All I mentioned was talking and flirting. Peach mentioned much more 😉

  4. Yay! I’m not the only one to have picked up on assignment for class!

    … This makes it totally acceptable now, and not at all dodgy, right?

  5. Sara

    Wow…All the walking around Ottawa is doing you some good, Mr. Hot Stuff!!

    P.S. I like your new blog pic…very mysterious! Good call =)