Winter activities, Ferrets and the virtues of Twitter

Every day that passes by, is another step closer to my eventual return to Ottawa and journalism.

Recently, I’ve been taking it easy and relaxing with friends and family.

However, do not think I’ve shirked my many responsibilities that I have to do when I’m home. I have started reading a book which needs to be reviewed for science journalism at the beginning of January, as well as watching my MRP footage and taking notes about the shots I took.

The worst part is watching myself doing the stand-up’s and video diaries which I made in South Dakota.

It’s odd watching yourself on video, and since I was the only one there, I just kept the camera running as I did take after take.

So, there are many takes of me flubbing my lines, and since the camera was running and I was miked, you can hear me talking to myself in the badlands of South Dakota. It’s very funny, but at the same time, slightly cringe-inducing.

Whatever shape my MRP takes, it will be interesting, that’s for sure.

I also need to start thinking about how I can set up a website for it….

Anyway, I had an interesting experience with the last article that I had to hand in for 2009.

The article was about my experiences tagging along with a company that did crime scene and biological clean-up. I really needed an outside source to discuss how important safety is in that particular industry.

I tried calling police officers and the like, but no one was getting back to me promptly. That was, until I mentioned what I was writing about on Twitter.

One of the people who I follow, and have had Twitter conversations with on various occasions, mentioned to me that she is in the industry. Not only that, she also knows a lot about the various safety concerns that can crop up.

I got a source, for a school assignment, via TWITTER! Seriously, how amazing is that???

Thank you so much, Adrianna. You saved the day! 🙂

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