Winter vacation!

These past few weeks have been a blur of activity (especially that last week .. WOW!).

But, I persevered and survived it! Even have something to show for it 🙂

Check out the link to the right, or hyper-linked here for my recent article that I wrote for Capital News Online entitled: Coming to terms with the Senate.

While it is about the threat of Canadian Senate reform, not the most exciting topic I admit, I like to think I did a pretty good job with it.

What do you think?

Also, here is a little challenge for you called “Where’s David?” Below is the link to the Editor’s Notebook, and can you find where I am?

HINT: I appear twice.

Editor’s Notebook

My Soap Box

Well, it’s that time of the year. A time where University students scamper home and spend days in seclusion, in that last final push to finish all the assignments before the end of term.

I have three assignments. While two of three have extensions, I still would like to finish them as soon as possible. So, suffice it to say, this week is going to be very, very busy.

But, that is not the purpose of this post.

If you have hung around me long enough, you will know that I am not a fan of a particular slogan used by Canadian Blood Services. The slogan is: “Blood. It’s in you to give.”

Every time I hear it, it makes me angry.

Frankly, no. Blood is not in me to give.

MY blood is in ME to keep ME alive and well. Blood has a myriad of functions within the confines of my body, but all are designed to keep me alive.

I think donating blood is a spectacular thing, as it can help numerous people, and there is always a shortage of blood in ER’s. I encourage everyone to give blood, as well as sign their organ donor card. I’ve signed my donor card, so that I could help as many people as I can with my organs if something were to happen.

But, the slogan from Canadian Blood Services seems to imply that the sole purpose of my blood is for me to help others.


Now, if you take a more metaphysical approach at the slogan, it could mean the power to give can be found within myself. If that is the purpose, why not say something along the lines of: Blood. YOU can save a life.

It’s still quick, punchy and to the point, exactly what you need in a slogan.

So, come on Canadian Blood Services, change that slogan!

My Weird Life

So tired …. my body is aching from lack of sleep, and plain ol’ overwork. And the proverbial IN pile never seems to decrease, no matter how productive I am.


And, to make my life EVEN busier, I took on a little side project.

A friend of mine I made via Twitter, Dr. Debby Herbenick PhD, runs the website called My Sex Professor (Located here). In case you cannot tell by the name of her website, she is a sex health researcher with Indiana University.

Once day, over Twitter, she mentioned something about weird facts. So, I sent her one about how flatworms “penis fence,” and she LOVED it.

She asked me if I knew any more weird animal mating facts.

Naturally, being the kind of guy who is obsessed with learning everything about animals he can, I said “ohhh yeah.”

So, she invited me to Guest Blog.

And here is the final product, called “Weird & Wild: Five Ways Animals Get Creative About Sex.

It was a BLAST to research and write.

As I told someone earlier today, I really haven’t had that much fun writing since I started J-school. Tells you something, doesn’t it?

I hope you enjoy reading it, and let me know what you think!

Making a Splash

Check out my newest addition to my most recently published articles on the right … except this time, it was a podcast!

Once again, it was another hard week.

But, it’s all in the past and everything went well on Friday.

Check out the podcast, and enjoy!!

Blood, Sweat and Journalism

This has been an exhausting week.

Let me set the stage.

I was one of the people assigned to the Multimedia Team this week, for my course about online journalism. We decided that our over-arching theme would be about the 80th anniversary of the Person’s case.

For those who do not remember (such as me,until my partner informed me), in 1929, a case was presented for making women formally recognized as ‘persons.’ This was spearheaded by five elderly women from Alberta, known as the ‘Famous Five’.

My role, along with my partner, was to create an interactive timeline of events that occurred to Canadian women.

It was a lot of work.

My partner, Sage, was great. We divided and conquered.

I took care of all the audio elements and interviews, and she took care of all the visuals.

I won’t get into all the trouble we had finding sources and obtaining copyright, but it was very difficult.

On Thursday, we all met at 11:30 am to put it all together. And, other than some hiccups at the beginning, all was well.

That was, until the online application we were using decided to not cooperate. It was supposed to be able to handle multiple audio clips. But, every time you added more than one, the previous one disappeared.

So, at 6:30pm, seven hours after beginning, the decision was made to scrap the ENTIRE thing and start over using Flash.

Suffice to say, that sucked. Seven hours of work … poof! Gone.

Credit must go to the Technical Instructor, who almost pulled an all-nighter to put it all together, as well as helped everyone else in the program with their separate multimedia elements.

The link to the multimedia elements, entitle “Tough Cookies,” will be located under A Selection of my Most Recently Published Articles on the right of your screen.

Please look at the other multimedia elements by Laura and Meg, as well as all the other articles located on the website.

Ohh, and my job for the next issue? Podcast interviewer. While I haven’t picked a topic yet, guess what the theme will be based around? You guess it: Science!


Perplexed by this blog’s title? Go ahead, read it again. I can wait.

Still confused? Well, let me enlighten you.

I am almost sick, not quite, but getting there. So, I have christened myself “kinda sick.” Hence the name of the blog.

What does it mean? Well, it means that I wake up with a sore throat and a massive headache, but drugs keep them at bay. I get nauseated, but carbonated soft drinks quells it. And my work has suffered.

See, I wrote a to-do list this weekend with seven things on it. How much have I crossed off completely?


But, two others are ALMOST done (just waiting for another source to contact me, and someone to proof read the second). So, I was moderately productive which, given my current state, is some what a miracle.

Other than that, nothing much is new on my end. This week is going to be a very busy one, especially tomorrow, where I have two interviews, one TA meeting and a night class. Sounds like a barrel of monkeys, right?

And now, in my kina drug-induced delirium, here is a list of my five favourite TV shows.

Top Five Shows to Watch:
5) Grey’s Anatomy – It’s a drama that everyone can get into. Plus, hot doctors!
4) House M.D. – House is the guy you love to hate, simple as that
3) How I Met Your Mother – Three letters sum it up: NPH
2) Castle – Nathan Fillion is amazing and Stana Katic is Canadian!
1) The Big Bang Theory – Fun, smart, hilarious and filled to the brim with science

A Flash in the Pan

Already another post? Is David actually sticking to his commitment to blogging more?

That’s right folks!

Life is still moving onwards at a fever pace, and I’m just trying to survive the ride.

Just a short post today, as I have a new article to unveil 🙂

I’ll put the link to the right of this post under “A selection of my most recently published articles.” It is from my summer at NSERC regarding a new method to create paper that disinfects and purifies water of harmful bacteria.

It is entitled, “NSERC Article – BioActive Paper”

Check it out!!

The Return of the King (and new The Black chapter!)

Howdy folks!

Sorry for the long departure from my Blog, but as I have been so fond of saying as of late, “school is slowly eroding my life.”

To be honest, it is not that bad, just fairly busy. And this week was a doozy.

That said, I will never go almost a month without blogging again!

So, here’s a quick catch-up.

– School is progressing, but I don’t get to see all the J-school friends as much, as we are all taking different classes
– I’m taking one class which is so boring, but the people (most 4th year Bachelor of Journalism students) have piqued my interest
– Night classes suck
– Have a new article up under My Most Recently Published Articles (I was the producer of a piece for a school online newspaper about election preparedness.) It went fairly well, and feel free to check out all the other stuff on the site.
– The next chapter of “The Black,” entitled, “The Path,” is JUST BELOW THIS!

Sorry for the long while in posting this, but I hit some writer’s block. Then, I finished it and I just kept getting distracted and did not put it up. But, here it is! I hope you all enjoy it, and the next chapter will be up soon.

Chapter 5 – The Path

My life went onwards from that point pretty much as it always did. The only thing different were the occasional headaches, but I figured that everyone got those every now and again, so why worry, right?

As for what happened with Jen in the lab, I tried not to think about it. And eventually, like all things pushed to the back of your mind, it stopped coming up. That was, until eight days later.

I was in the lab, testing the memory retention of the experimental rats with a quite complex maze. The rats were rewarded with cheese once the maze was solved, and then had to repeat the maze over and over again until there were no mistakes. Then, every few days, we would test them again. If there were no errors, the mice were rewarded. If there were errors, then they repeated it again and again until there were none.

“Rat number six, placing into the maze. Starting clock,” I said into my portable voice recorder, as I picked up the rat with a number ‘6’ painted on its back.

“3….2…..1… release,” and I dropped the rat at the beginning on the maze.

“Number six is progressing nicely, as it has not required any re-training since the initial maze run. It has now reached the half-way mark, and … wait, number six has stopped moving. Come on buddy, move. Get your stupid cheese.”

“Hmmm, ok, well, I’m going to poke its back with my gloved finger, to get him moving …. No reaction. I’ll try it again, but slightly harder… No reaction.”

“Skin seems oddly soft,” I continued into my recorder. “Almost like poking oatmeal. I think something may be wrong with number six. End testing.”

As I turned off the recorder, I turned and yelled “Hey Jen! Get in here!!!! I think something may be wrong with number six!”

While I heard Jen walking towards me from the adjoining room, I leaned closer to number six, picked him up and examined him closely. His eyes were not the normal red of the test rats, they were darker. The eye was almost completely black, like something coloured it in with a marker. But the pupils, the pupils were dashing back and forth like it was still moving around the maze, instead of being stationary in my hand.

“Its eyes,” I whispered to myself. “It’s eyes. They’re black. Black. Black like I saw a week ago. The black … it’s back … the black … the black.”

As if that was some sort of trigger, my peripheral vision began to fade to black.

NO! NO! Not again! I shouted, but all that came out was the faintest of whispers. And then the pain began.

I tried to fight it, but the pain increased so fast and so strongly, that my body could not fight it. My mind, in order to protect itself, lurched into unconsciousness.

And just like before, there was darkness.

Black shadows.

White. Bright.


Where am I?

Wait, I know this place, I was camping here a month or so ago, with Rachel. This is where it ended. It was a campground just a few hours away. We went because it was going to be converted into cottages the following week.

I guess it was fitting that my heart was to be broken on a campground that was going to be torn down. Rachel always had a thing for symbolism.

And then, I heard something, so I naturally went forth to investigate. And I saw our tent; we were still sleeping beside one another. A squirrel had just dropped a nut close-by.

This must be out last day, before she broke it off.

Without warning, the green began to fade from the trees and the sunlight began to dim. All light and colour was being replaced with blackness. Within seconds, I was surrounded by darkness once again. Except this time, there were stars above my head, little pin-pricks of light.

A house came into view, with a pumpkin sitting out front, carved into the shape of a vampire. Around the house was nothingness, as if I was staring at it through a telescope. Kids dressed in colourful costumes would materialize through the darkness, walk across what I could see, and then disappear on the other side.

Then, a man approached the house dressed in a trench-coat and walking with a cane. At his mouth was a meerschaum pipe, and atop his head was a deerstalker cap.

I recognized him. He was Sherlock Holmes, or, as the case was, it was I, dressed as Holmes. This must be the night, the night I met Rachel …

I kept whispering that final word, Rachel, as I opened my eyes and realized that I lay face-down on the lab floor covered in sweat.

As I heard Jen come into the room and yell for help, my mind was still reeling from what I just saw.

Were they visions? Or just vivid memories?

Was the drug causing the same thing in me as number six?

Only one thing was certain: I was experiencing notable events of my life, in reverse order.

But if they continue, what would happen when there are no more memories left to remember?

David vs. Year Two

Well, year two of my Master’s program officially began a few days ago. It’s been an interesting ride so far, filled with plot twists and exciting revelations. Who knows what is in store for me this year?

Now, for some updates.

Those of you who I speak to/communicate with regularly, know that I am missing a “second language requirement” for my degree. Because I go to school in Ottawa, where a significant portion of the population is bilingual, the powers that be decided to make it a requirement to graduate. Seeing as I was a strictly Biology student, there was no need for me to take any foreign languages.

So, I decided to do something about it this year. While the school would prefer the language proficiency to be French, it can really be any language used around the world. Therefore, I decided to take a first-year sign language course. I thought it would be interesting, and an excellent skill to possess.

I also signed up to take the French proficiency test, which the school holds twice a year. It was a pass/fail deal. Worse case scenario, if I failed that, I would take the sign language course and get the requirement done that way.

The French test was on Tuesday, and I got the results yesterday.

By some sort of inexplicable event … I passed it! Cool, eh? So, that requirement for my degree is all done! And, I lose a course I was going to take this semester, so more time to do other sorts of school work.

Other than that, nothing much else has happened here. Yet.

Tomorrow is when the real work begins.

But, as a J-school friend said to me yesterday, “Just eight more months. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Now, we just need to survive.”

Words to live by, eh?

Ohhh, and I’ve been asked by a few of my fellow students about how soon until Chapter 5 of The Black will be released. I must say, I’m genuinely taken aback when people say they like my story. It does, and will always, put a big smile on my face when people talk about it. Hey, even negative stuff makes me happy, as you are reading it and really thinking about it. Criticism is welcome!

And don’t worry, Chapter 5 is coming, and it’s tentatively entitled, “The Path.” hope to finish it and put it up this weekend.

100th Blog Post!

Well, here it is: The 100th blog post. And what better way to celebrate than with a new article that I wrote being published?

If you look at my blog, under the articles menu, the newest one is entitled NSERC – NEPTUNE. It’s about a Canadian undersea observatory that was launched two months ago. Check it out, it’s pretty damn cool!

Other than that, not much to report other than the fact that school begins tomorrow. How will it go? What will life be like as an MJ2? Will I ever finish this ferret project? Will I manage to stay sane?

Tune in and find out for the next 100+ blog posts.

Thanks for reading! =)