Geek News and Unique Characters on the Bus

Just a quick post today, as being bored at work today made me EXTRA sleepy.

– First off, remember those MacGruber skits from SNL? Yeah, they’re making THAT into a movie. You heard me, a MacGruber movie
– Next, in more movie re-making Armageddon, the Blade trilogy is getting a reboot. Apparently, focusing on a half-vampire wasn’t enough. The ‘new’ trilogy will focus on the villain from the first movie, Deacon Frost
– And lastly, a Geek God has written and directed the premiere of Dollhouse season 2. He is the series creator and love of Geek girls everywhere, Mr. Joss Whedon

For all those who are wondering, I am working hard on my next chapter of my novel. I have come up with a title, it’s called “The Black.” I will continue to post chapters as I write them onto my blog … or perhaps even start a new one devoted entirely to it? I’m not too sure. Should be ready by the weekend, but, I cannot guarantee.

I saw a lot of interesting people on the bus ride home today. Everyone has a story, and I wonder what their are:
– The woman with a screaming child who says, “I wanted the RED ONE! RED ONE!”
– The female teenager with a black streak on her white tank-top
– A man reading a Calculus textbook
– A man in a business suit, with a large orange stain on his tie
– A woman reading the 4th Twilight book, dabbing at the tears flowing from her eyes
– Ans most bizarrely, a middle-aged woman wearing pantyhose on her left arm

The Novel, Part II

So, here is the next chapter of the story/novel I am writing. Remember, it is only preliminary, and feel free to share and criticisms or comments. It’s the only way I’ll grow 😉

But, before the unveiling, some news!

– New trailer for Diablo Cody’s latest, called Jennifer’s Body. It’s everything you would expect from her, and looks really, really good.
WARNING: TRAILER IS RATED R. Not suitable for kiddies, guy with heart problems, or excitable pee-ers.

– One of my favourite shows, Dexter, returns for season 4 on September 27th!

– In the land of Hollywood, movies are constantly being re-made into different versions of themselves. BUt, who ever would have thought that a movie would be turned into a TV show … on ABC Family. The movie 10 Things I Hate About You, based on Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew, was released in 1999. I remember watching it in the theatre with my sister! And now, they are making a new show, entitled, surprise, surprise 10 Things I Hate ABout You.

And now, what you all have been (hopefully) waiting for!

And here’s the title I’m thinking of for the story/novel … The Black.

Here is the first chapter!!! Enjoy!!

Chapter 1

This is a tough thing to write. You know how when most people are kids, they have some sort of a journal? Well, this is sorta like that. But, this is more like a recollection of the events of the previous few weeks in my surprisingly busy life. I mean, with all the death and stuff that has happened around me, you would think I was in the middle of the Apocalypse.

Hahahahahahahahaha. Now that’s funny. I mean, like pee yourself laughing funny. But, I’m getting ahead of myself. You’ll understand that joke once I get started.

First, some background about your protagonist, me!

My name is Roger, and I am currently a 25 year old from New York City. I was born in Canada, but that doesn’t matter to the story.

I graduated high school, went to college, and got a degree in biomedical engineering and ancient history. Eccelctic resume, eh?

I now work for a biotechnology company known as ANUBIS. It stands for some stupid shit that makes no sense, but, it’s a job.

According to the business card in my wallet, right next to the wallet condom that every guy has, ANUBIS stands for ANother Unique Biological Investigative System.

My specific job description is that I am a laboratory technician. It’s as boring as it sounds.

Basically, I do all the grunt work that the egg-heads are too busy to do. I receive experimental drugs from different companies or researchers, and test them on various animals (anything ranging from mice to monkeys).

Now we can get started.

It all began about six weeks ago.

I had just broken up with my girlfriend, Rachel, and was pretty down in the dumps about my life. Yeah, it’ s sappy and clichĂ©, but what do you want me to say? It’s the truth, and believe me, this truth is stranger than any fiction you could ever imagine.

Right. So, here begins the story.

I awoke from my sleep with a jolt. I vaguely remembered having a strange dream about a man in a hotel room laughing. It was slightly disconcerting, but, it was only a dream.

The dream slowly faded away, like all dreams do, given enough time. Shaking it off, I them proceeded with my usual morning routine.

Stretch, Poop, Stretch, Eat, Shower, Pee, Change and leave the apartment by 8 am.

Like a Swiss watch. Always perfectly timed. Except today.

I sneezed while stretching, couldn’t poop, was out of cereal and toilet paper, and I forgot to do the laundry. Because of all those things, I left the apartment at 8:23 am. Twenty-three minutes later than I should have.

What would have happened if I had left at my normal time of 8 am?

To be honest, I did not know. But I do know that I wouldn’t be where I am right now, writing my ipso-facto memoirs, so that what happened to me, my friends and the planet, will not be lost by the annals of history.

David and his Soapbox

Well, it’s that time of the week again. I am once again bored outta my mind at work, and trying in vain to think of something to do.

Therefore, I have decided to try something a little different with this blog post (taken from the page of the oh-so-glorious TheParkBench, TheParkBench) and celebrate the nerdy way of life.

First off, the news:

Uranium found on the Moon

 was found on the moon. Yeah, exactly.

According to the article, a Japanese probe has identified Uranium particles on the surface of the Moon. The article states that this could potentially pave the way for future settlements on the moon. And yet, all I could think of was something from the great nerd TV show, Futurama. That if this does happen, all that will result is a campy Disneyland on the surface of the moon.

Which reminds me, I should get a Fun-gineering degree.

– Kari Byron, the fantastically gorgeous member of Mythbusters (in actuality, the only girl on the show), has given birth! She gave birth to, according to a Tweet from Grant Imahara (one of her two co-horts in the busting of myths and @grantimahara on Twitter), that “Stella Ruby born 11:35pm 6/28/09, 42 hours of labor, weight: 8lbs 12oz. Both Kari & baby in good health.”

– I have been saying it for as long as I can remember, and it pains me to say this, but over 800 unique and wonderful species have gone extinct within the last 500 years. And the worst part is, according to a report by the IUCN (International Union on Conservation of Nature), that over 5,000 species are now at risk!
According to the report, “The new analysis shows 869 species became extinct or extinct in the wild since the year 1500 while 290 more species are considered critically endangered and possibly extinct. At least 16,928 species are threatened with extinction, including nearly one-third of amphibians, more than one in eight birds and nearly a quarter of mammals.”

Over 800 Species Extinct!

Seriously people. Something must be done. If we loose our wondrous biodiversity now, it will be gone forever. Forever is such as scary word, but aptly fits this scenario.

Well, turns out my MRP is increasing in relevance every single day. First newspaper coverage on Black-Footed Ferrets (which I will be visiting at the end of August to film), 2010 being named the official year of Biodiversity (WOO!) and now a report by the IUCN declaring over 5,000 species at risk of extinction.

And now, to end this small rant, three final words:


And now, becasue I really should not end a blog post on a slightly sad note, here is an article that is funny, and yet, disturbing simultaneously. Check it out, it’s very telling about advertising and the media that was represented at the time.

Top 10 Ironic Ads from History

Some Light Comedy

Before the videos, check out these two other blogs. They have some fascinating insights 😉

How to meet and woo nerdy guys

5 tips on proper geek male maintenance

And now, what you have all bee waiting for! Here are some video’s for all the geeks and nerds out there. Courtesy of YouTube and a few others:

Robot Chicken Super-villain carpool

Dr. Tweetlove, Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Twitter

Do you get the title reference? Of course you do!

So, yes, I finally relented on Friday and joined Twitter.

Why you ask? Well, I was bored at work (as per usual), and I know that most of my J-school friends are on it, and I never really gave it a chance. So, I decided I would check it out.

It’s interesting, and I have a better feeling of why so many people are so addicted to it. And, it’s good to see what all my great J-school friends are up to (since we don’t have regular school contact until September).

If you are on Twitter, feel free to follow me. My name on Twitter is VERY tricky. Are you ready? It’s: davidmanly

Now, for what I promised on Twitter, and have told some people about.

Because I am so bored at work, I have decided to start writing a bit of a novel. Yes, a novel. I haven’t been working on it for long, and I just have the first two chapters done along with a rough plot outline.

However, I decided to put the Prelude on my blog, and see what people think. Feel free to post your comments, or email me what you think. It is by no means finished, as it is only a rough draft, and feedback is appreciated.



“It was a dark and stormy night 
” laid typed on the laptop.

Wow, how unoriginal, the man at the keyboard thought in a small hotel room.

The room was your standard cheap hotel room just off the highway. Nothing fancy, besides a desk with a lamp that seemingly resembled a tortoise shell, a bed with a beige comforter and a small desk and chair.

Seriously man, he thought. A thousand monkeys typing at a hundred typewriters can write Hamlet 
 and you cannot even write a decent opening line!

Fed up with himself, the man deleted the sentence with a quick flick of his wrist.

Another productive night of doing nothing. An excellent waste of time of just waiting for that singular moment which will define you. That which will show everyone who you really are.

Angrily, the man stood up and walked to the window next to his desk. Without any hesitation, he flew open the yellow time-tinted blinds.

A full moon emerged from behind the dark clouds, and as the moonlight swept over him, he felt oddly nervous. Well, not nervous. More anxious. Anxious for what was to come tomorrow.

It’s finally time, he thought.

All those years, all the meticulous planning. Our plan will finally come to fruition. My brother and sister will be pleased.

Now, what you must know about this man, is that he is not evil. Not by any sense of the word. He simply takes the path of least resistance, which often takes him into dark and dangerous situations that others would simply run away from in fear.

He was not one of those men.

In fact, you would be hard pressed to find someone who was less human than this man.

Whilst staring at the moon, the man began to look forward to tomorrow. Because tomorrow 
 tomorrow, would be his beginning. And yet, for many others, it would be their end.

And then, he smiled.


So, here’s the thing. I was going to blog about everything that is wrong with my job, the people I work with, how BAD I am at ironing (I have two burns on the same arm to prove it) and the like.

That was, until, I remembered what month it is: June, 2009.

In this month, 25 years ago, something extraordinary happened. No, it’s not my birthday (that’s in July).

Do you want a hint?

June 8, 1984.

That’s right … GHOSTBUSTERS was released.

While I did not see it when it was out in the theatres, when I did … it was one fo the few movies that defined by childhood. It joined the ranks of Star Wars, Jurassic Park, the Land Before Time (as a kid, who DIDN’T love that movie?) and, of course, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

The movie, in case you had a deprived childhood, is about a group of paranormal scientists who decide to hunt and capture ghosts for a living, when the dead begin to rise in New York City.

I could talk about how good the movie is, my favourite characters, that my Mom made my brother and I homemade Ghosbusters outfits for Halloween when I was a young kid … but I won’t.

I will say one thing. When someone is drunk with their also drunk buddies and peeing at the side of the road … I will bet you, someone will say, “Don’t cross the stream!”

It is impossible to pick an all-time favourite quote, as there are so many. But, here are some of the best … but, in all honesty, just go watch it. It is a classic.

Dana Barrett: Are you the Keymaster?

Dr. Egon Spengler: There’s something very important I forgot to tell you.
Dr. Peter Venkman: What?
Dr. Egon Spengler: Don’t cross the streams.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Why?
Dr. Egon Spengler: It would be bad.
Dr. Peter Venkman: I’m fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. What do you mean, “bad”?
Dr. Egon Spengler: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.
Dr Ray Stantz: Total protonic reversal.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Right. That’s bad. Okay. All right. Important safety tip. Thanks, Egon.

Dr. Peter Venkman: Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!

Winston Zeddemore: Ray. If someone asks if you are a god, you say, ‘YES!’

And, I leave you with this. Who can forget … the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man?

Maybe Blanche Was Right

It’s been a very odd, yet boring week. Let me explain.

Work is 
 going. But, I actually got my first thing published on the web site! The link is posted at the top right of my blog. Exciting, eh?

Sadly, that is all I have noticeably added to my clippings in just over a month.

Before any of you ask, I know that it does not say my name in the article posted to your top right. It’s sad, I know. But, that’s how they roll, and, “the dude abides.” I’ve been waiting to use that in a blog post!!!!

And before I forget … a shout out to my bro! HI DANIEL!
(Told you I’d mention you in the next one 😉

Anyway, I have decided to focus on something interesting that happened recently.

Actually, interesting is not the right word 
 I saw something extraordinary yesterday on the bus.

On my way home from work, a very attractive blond-haired woman in a blue dress (hereby abbreviated as WiBD) walked on about two stops after me. Behind her was a woman with two children (one in a stroller, the other looked to be about six), both of which were very fussy. In her haste to get onto the bus and sit down, she ignored the cries of the six year-old to get a transfer to hold onto. When they finally sat down, the six year-old began crying very loudly for a transfer. The WiBD then, got up from her seat (which was subsequently taken by a very ungrateful person), walked over to the mother, smiled, and gave the kid her transfer. This is the conversation that followed:

WiBD – There you go, honey.
*Gave the kid the transfer*
Child – *crying stops*
YAY! Mommy!!
Look what the pretty lady gave me!!!
Mother – I saw, and I cannot thank you enough.
WiBD – It was my pleasure
Mother – But what about you? Won’t you need to pay again for the next bus without a transfer?
WiBD – It doesn’t matter, really.
It’s only three dollars.
Who cares when you get to see a child smile like that at something we take for granted?
*Kid looks up at Mother, and smiles a goofy little kid smile*

When WiBD came back and noticed that her seat was taken, I stood up and gave her mine. She initially didn’t want it, but due to my charm and persistence (or that she was tired 
 what do I know?), she eventually took it, and we had a little conversation.

A few minutes later, a seat opened up near the front of the bus, and she went up to take it after thanking me once again.
The, the very next stop, a woman in a wheelchair got on and WiBD immediately got to her seat (which was part of the lift-up wheelchair seat), and lifted up the seats to make room for the wheelchair.

Then, she walked right by me, and gave me a very subtle wink and a smile, before getting off at the next stop.

Some people, eh?

It is amazing what some people do just altruistically. Altruism is doing something for the good of someone else with no gain, or a significant drawback for yourself.

Here are some examples (found in animals 
 of course). Thanks to Wikipedia and various other internet sites/books for some of the information.

– Dogs will often adopt other animals as their own (such as cats, squirrels ducks, and in one case, a tiger!)
– Dolphins will support sick or injured animals by actually pushing them to the surface so they can breathe 
 sometimes for hours
– Chimpanzees will help others similar to itself (even humans) without any reward
– Vampire bats have a “buddy system” according to Gerald Wilkinson, where if a bat had a successful night of feeding, it will regurgitate blood for its less fortunate companion
– Vervet monkeys will give calls to warn fellow monkeys of a predator, even though in doing so, they attract attention to themselves and increase their own chance of being attacked (same with prairie dogs and meerkats)
– Walruses will adopt orphans
– Some ants will sacrifice themselves for the good of the hive

That is all I have for now, but you all know, that no matter how monotonous my life gets … there’s always something interesting on the horizon for me.

It’s Time For …

I watched a lot of TV as a kid. Some crap, of course, but also a bunch of educational shows. And there were some which I started to watch as a kid cause they were funny, and continued to watch for the education presented in a unique way.

Those who know me know that Beakman’s World was my favourite show as a kid, but, that’s another post 🙂

This is devoted to a show even my Dad enjoyed …. Animaniacs (produced by Steven Spielberg).

Here are two perfect examples of how I learned US state capitals AND the nations of the world. Keep in mind, they were done in the late 80’s early 90’s and some, like the nations of the world song, have many errors. See if you can name the ones he DOESN’T mention.

But, just sit back, crank up the volume, and enjoy! Who knows, you might even learn something 😉

An Odd Phenomenon

It all began when I first moved to Ottawa.

I began noticing people who very closely resembled friends from Toronto. Usually, it would warrant a second look, to confirm that it was NOT them.

However, there have been a few times when I thought I have seen a few of my best friends from Toronto here in Ottawa: Inna, Elisa, Sahab, Amanda and Jen.

After about a month or two in Ottawa, I stopped noticing.

Then, a few days ago, I sat next to ‘Jen’ on the bus. It was creepy. It was not just someone who slightly resembled her. It was someone who LOOKED like her, complete with the outfit and sunglasses.

However, there was one major difference … ‘Toronto Jen’ is much, much prettier.

Therefore, I have come up with a name for this phenomenon:
Ottawa Twin Syndrome.

I spoke to a friend of mine about this, and she is slightly nuts (which I am as well, so we get along brilliantly) and we came up with something. It is a commonly held belief, that people say that they must have someone who looks like them somewhere in the world. Therefore, if this is true, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that some of these individuals that resembled my good friends reside on Ottawa.

And now, for something everyone needs … spontaneous DANCING from So You Think You Can Dance Season 4. Three of the best.

*I apologize for the low quality of the last one … it’s the best I could find. There used to be a better one …*

I completely forgot about this one!!!!
Thanks Sara!

"These are a few of my favourite things …"

At work, I’m frequently bored. Not because there is nothing to do, but because it all requires me to do the same thing over and over and over again. And, anyone who knows me knows, I hate repetitive tasks that can repeat ad infinitum.

So, I was reading Claire’s blog (which is VERY good, and I recommend everyone check it out) about sea lampreys, and I got an idea. So, here are two lists from the Mind of Manly.

My Favourite Animals
These are not in any particular order, but they are all my favourites.

The Blue Shark

Beautiful, Streamlined and Blue. I first saw this animal on an episode from Discovery Channel’s Shark Week, and I was amazed. Everyone knows and is fascinated by the great white (yours truly included), but something about this shark spoke to me. And after a while, I figured out what it was. As a kid, I went to Nature Camp, and one day we were asked questions about sharks, and told that the winner would get a prize. Of course, surprise, surprise … I won. And what did I win?
A fossilized shark tooth. The tooth of Prionace glauca, the Blue Shark.

Przewalski’s Horse

It is the last truly wild horse left on the planet, and is endangered in Mongolia. All the other “wild” horses out there and just escaped captive horses. And plus, the horse has a mohawk … what’s cooler than that?

Green Tree Python

It’s a snake. It’s a python. It’s green. How could I NOT love this animal?

Grey Wolf


Now, after four favourites … how about four of the weirdest/ugliest/most fascinating?

David’s Weird List

Greenland Shark

This is the top of the food chain under the Arctic ice, but not much is known about it. How long it lives, how it mates, what precisely it eats are still unknown. Some scientists believe that they can live for hundreds of years, even more than a sea turtle. As well, it moves slowly to conserve heat in the frigid water, and if you look closely on its eye, it has a nematode parasite attached to it. That’s right, it’s BLIND.
Ohhh yeah, and it’s meat is poisonous.

The Pangolin

I love this guy. It’s one of the weirdest animals I have ever seen, and I love it. It walks on two legs, but all hunched over like it is carrying an immensely heavy backpack. And, when threatened, it will curl up like a porcupine, leaving nothing exposed but its scales. But, the STRANGEST thing abut them?
Recent genetic tests show that they are most closeley related, not to armadillos or anteaters like you may think, but to mammalina carnivores (lions, tigers, dogs, cats, etc…)

And, finally, the one that ranks near the TOP of my list….

Hagfish (or slime eels) are not really fish, nor are they eels. They have four hearts and two brains, and their bones are made of keratin, so they are VERY flexible. They also have barbels around their mouth, which are used as chemosensory organs. They also live at the bottom of the ocean and feed on carcasses. But, since they have no jaws, the contort their bodies into a knot, and move that knot up and down their bodies to create a shearing force. However, the best, and weirdest thing about them, it their slime.
When frightened, scared or about to feed, they secrete a slime protein. When it interacts with water, it turns into a sticky and slimy goop that is impossible to get off, yet insanely slippery. And they produce a LOT of this stuff.

Check out this video, and you’ll see what I mean:

Now, there are TONS of other animals that I would like to show you, and I’ll perhaps do more at a later date. But, here are the names of some more:
Star-nosed mole, the Aye-Aye, Aardvark, Echidna, Tapir, Sloth, Anteater, Hammerhead shark, the Oryx, Babiursa, Axolotyl, Black Mamba, and the list goes on and on ….