If F.D.R Was In J-School

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” said F.D.R in 1931.

I propose an addendum, which F.D.R probably would have agreed with if he were in my boots.

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Well, that and total failure of all your life-goals.”

School is draining the life and exuberance out of me, like some sort of misinformed vampire.

Ever since reading week ended, I am always tired at the end of every day. Not just normal tired, but exhausted tired. But can I go to bed? No!
I have too much work to do to keep my life from crumbling all around me.

Doing TV is killing me, it’s an exhausting experience made harder by all the lugging around of very heavy equipment. And the constant time stress of, “gotta do it FASTER, on time, impress the teacher and showcase all our new skils!”

If that was the only thing wrong here, I’d be ok. I mean, I survived Biology undergrad stress!

No, every day I get new rejections for UNPAID INTERNSHIPS! Seriously, most people in my program have something or other planned. I, I have nothing. To quote The Peach, “Life FAIL!”

And yet, the humiliation and terribleness does not end there my friends, no, it continues.

The subject that I dare not broach, is that of my Master’s Research Project (or MRP). It is basically a large contribution to journalism in one of the three medium (print, radio or TV).

My original idea:
Go behind the scenes of zoos with a TV camera to show people all the good research and stuff that happens in zoos.
– EVERY zoo I contacted said no, because of either privacy, security or trade secrets.

Idea #2:
Look into the TB epidemic, and how it could be even worse becasue of the drug resistant strains.
– I was told I lacked a narrative arc.

Idea #3:
Follow a doctor going to a foreign country with an infectious disease epidemic for a week or two, and examine how modern doctor’s treat patients in such situations.
– The organization (to remain nameless) said that in order to be considered, I repeat, CONSIDERED, I would have to get network backing. As in funding and a guarantee that it would air.
What apparently they did;t understand, is that I am a student and a network would have to be run by lobotomized monkeys with schizophrenia to promise a student airtime on TV.

Well, THAT was cathartic πŸ™‚

The Loving Embrace of Rejection

Dear David,

Thank you for your interest in any scientific journal/magazine/radio show/TV show.

I’m sorry to let you know we can’t offer you an internship this summer.

Best of luck in your future endeavors,

Some Editor

That is an almost verbatim cut-and-paste from some emails I have received recently.

I am averaging at one rejection a day, which just does wonders for the ol’ ego.

I have an intriguing interview on Thursday, and a few possibilities that are percolating on the back burner.

We shall see … But damn, I hope I get something soon.

That Which Lacks A Point

It has been a long, long, long week.

I’ve been really busy with school and school related activities.

I’ve been staying up late doing school work, and as a consequence, I am falling asleep on my couch at night while taking a break and watching some TV.

My main problem is this one course I have on Mondays, which is pointless. It has no real-life purpose. The course is moot.

We shall call the course, “That Which Lacks a Point”

It is taught by two professors, who tag-team teach. It’s a little odd. One teaches while the other one stands to the side and just sorta watches … with a weird smile on their face. One of them, every time he contradicts himself, I want to take a fire poker to the back of his head. And with my science and extensive CSI background I COULD make it look like an accident … lol.

Just kidding! Or not πŸ˜‰ Hahaha.

For our latest assignment, one of them told the entire class to write a story about numbers. And not just any numbers, people’s salaries.

Shockingly, people don’t want to talk about their salaries. Nor do other people want to comment on them, regardless how insane they are.

And what he keeps harping on and on about, is to “find a story, make it personal, make it about people.”


Ahhh, the life of a student journalist.

I wonder, will things be the same when I’m a professional? Or will I get a bit more street cred when I actually work for a real-life publication?

Here’s to the future!

The Times, They Are A Changin’


I just saw the movie “The Watchmen.” I’ve been looking forward to that movie for a while, and I will tell you why.

The comics, later combined into a graphic novel, were written in the late 1980’s by writer Alan Moore, artist Dave Gibbons, and colorist John Higgins. It was published by DC comics.

It is set in a world where superheroes exist, where the US won the Vietnam war, and because of that, Nixon remained president for more than two terms.

The graphic novel was voted by TIME magazine as one of the top 100 novels from 1923 to the present, and Entertainment Weekly placed it at number 13 on its list of the best 50 novels printed in the last 25 years.

This is not your average comic book, as the characters are set in a more modern and realistic world than any other. And how would they fit in to such a scenario?

The characters are many, but the main ones are:
Silk Spectre – Second generation superhero, and the only female in the core Watchmen group, forced to retire
Doctor Manhattan – The only ‘actual’ Superhero, accidentally created by being exposed to a special kind of radiation
Ozymandias – The ‘smartest man in the world’
Nite Owl – The average Joe superhero, almost like Batman, forced to retire
The Comedian – Sanctioned US superhero, his murder puts the plot into motion
Rorschach – In my opinion, the best character of the bunch. His mask constantly shifts to different Rorschach ink-blot patterns based on his mood, he investigates the Comedian’s murder and is therefore the catalyst for all the events that occur

The movie was very good, but not as good as the book. You can only appreciate the movie if you’ve read the graphic novel. So, go ahead, read/buy/download it … whatever, just read it and see the movie. You’ll thank me for it!

Here are the opening credits for the movie, best viewed in FULL-SCREEN, posted by the company that created them. Notice any symbolism at the retirement party? Or how about the Kennedy shot?


Or, of you’d prefer, here is the link:
Watchmen Opening Credits


Three commercials.

Three commercials that are famous.

Three commercials that I STILL like every time I see them.

And yes, I figured that I must include one final bonus video … as it was a truly Canadian phenomenon.

Gotta LOVE ’em πŸ™‚

Me, but Not Me

So, in a vein attempt to not do work, I thought I would Google myself (it’s a verb now, get use to it!)

Apparently, there are different versions of me all over the place.

Here are some of what these me-but-not me’s have accomplished:
– Marketing Manager in London
– A Psychiatrist in North Carolina
– A VP of Marketing in Boston
– A Physician in North Carolina
– A track star in New York
– A road racer in the UK
– A Miner in Saskatchewan

And coolest of all, there is a company named after me in Ireland. Honestly!

Apparently, they are “recision engineers,” and specialize in, of course, “precision engineering.”

When I go there, I GOTTA visit it and get a picture taken with my company…hehe.

And then there is me … a trained Biologist/Zoologist going into journalism.

Hopefully, one day, I’ll make my many namesakes proud πŸ™‚

Tick, Tick, Tick ….. BOOM

Check it out. I have accomplishments!!!

See at the top right, called “My Selection of Recently Published Articles?” Those are actually things that I have written that have been published and released upon the world!

Now, while that statement may make me sound like a bit of a journalism style Batman villain, I really don’t care. After these past few months, I have some actual results!

Now, with the pleasantries out of the way, let me tell you how my life is a ticking time bomb that will explode and rain David all over my friend?

My reading week was spent on the phone calling an oil company numerous times a day about a spill that happened a long time ago. Despite my enthusiasm and angle (it was a POSITIVE ONE for the company), they still refused to contact or talk to me.

My idea for my MRP (Master’s Research Project) has died.
R.I.P my excellent idea.
NOW, I have to come up with a brand-spanking new idea in just a day or two, so that I have time to write a 800 word paper about it and do some actual research on it! Did I mention it is due in a week?

There are only 6 weeks left of term, and everything is becoming due at the same time.

And, I don’t have a summer internship lined up. I’ve gotten a bunch of rejection letters, which of course do wonders for the ol’ journalistic self-esteem.

If anyone has any ideas for my project or a summer job, I will intensely listen and give it SERIOUS thought.

Now, I know that everything will get done, I am just not sure HOW yet.

These are the times that my head feels like a pressure cooker that is slowly cooking my brain on a nice well-done setting.


Regress to a Simpler Time

Just a quick aside:

Ideas are like ants.

There are billions upon billions of them. When you aren’t looking for one, they are EVERYWHERE.

Then, when you desperately NEED one … none are to be found.

That is what my reading week was like.

All except for a brief time with a good friend of mine. It made my day/week and probably month too.

We got together at her place just to talk and catch up. The following has not been edited in any way, shape or form.

K – My boyfriend is weird.
Me – How so?
K – He’s a genius with computers, but sucks at English. Seriously.
Me – It happens.
K – Wanna know what I do to help?
Me – What?
K – I read to him.
Me – Really?
K – Yah, it helps him!
K – IT DOES!!!
Me – Well, what do you read him?
K – Well, I’m reading him children’s books. I kill two birds with one stone, because I am taking a children’s literature course for school. So, in essence, my reading to him is studying! πŸ™‚
Me – What kinda books?
K – Some Seuss, Treasure Island, Winnie the Pooh
Me – Awesome! Which Winnie the Pooh?
K – House of Pooh
Me – *PAUSE*
K – Wha? Ohhh, David!!
Heheheh, Pooh

And this went on for about another 5 minutes!!!

So there you have it, even though I consider myself and my friend exceptionally smart people, we all have moments like that.

Every now and then, it helps to act like a seven-year-old and laugh at a good ol’ fashioned poo joke πŸ™‚

David Vs. Friday the 13th

Well, it is reading week, and I back home in good ol’ T.O. It is nice to be home!

Let’s discuss Friday, but not just any Friday. That’s right, it was Friday the 13th … Ooooo!!!!

It was the last day of radio and the last newscast, and I had spent the few days prior doing research and interviewing people for my assignment, which I completed ON TIME!

Then, during the newsday, I had to trim it down from a 90 second voicer (where you would hear my voice on-air) to a 40 second script and clip (not my voice).

However, I did it, despite my voicer’s awesomeness. Then I was told to run around campus, LITERALLY, to find information regarding a story.

I walked around campus in circles, for about 2 hours, and found nothing. Then, I ran back to the studio, edited my clips AND wrote my story in record time. Only for it to get slimmed down … again.

Then, after the noon newscast, I was told to run around campus YET AGAIN and find student reactions ASAP. I couldn’t even have lunch!!!!

So, I ran around and interviewed students for another 2.5 hours, ran back to the studio, wrote my script and edited my clips (with the help of my audio editor).

At 3 p.m., I was finally allowed to have lunch, which consisted of a solitary muffin.

I then got to read the news with a friend of mine, which was fun.

We did a great job πŸ™‚

And, ready for the worst part of that day??

My recorder, the single most important tool in the journalists tool kit BROKE.
The tiny little LCD screen broke, because it was in my pocket and I accidentally hit a table.

And then my microphone stopped working!

Both the recorder and my microphone are VITALLY IMPORTANT for radio!!!!!

Luckily, I was able to borrow other people’s equipment, but it was very annoying.

And now, I have to purchase a new recorder (as the warranty doesn’t cover my accidentally banging it into the corner of a table) and possibly a new microphone (as I forgot the receipt back in Ottawa, and I don’t know if the warranty covers acts of god).

And after all that, my initial story which I worked on for days before, never even got to air.

I don’t believe in superstitions or anything like that, but let’s just leave it with that it was not a good day.

Animal FUN!!!!

Animals keep me sane.

I love learning about them, and I tend to remember the oddest stuff about them.

For example, I know that a giraffe’s tongue is so long that it can lick the inside of its own ears.

Or, that the Tuatara lizard has three eyes, with one on top of its head.

Here are three stories that I like, that keep me sane, have some humour in them and are informative πŸ™‚

How about some of the world’s weirdest animal mating rituals?

Or, the most HORRIFYING bugs in the world?

And lastly, read about the six ‘adorable’ animals that COULD kill you?


Oh, and this pic makes me laugh.

Thisis how an Armadillo lizard protects itself πŸ™‚